Chapter 15

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Amira and Zulaihat decided to go to silver bird cinemas at the central area instead of going to the cinema at Jabi Lake Mall. Immediately they alighted the car, they walked into the building and took the elevator to the floor where they'd get their tickets.

"What movie would you like?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"Venom." Amira answered.

"Five thousand naira."

Amira brought out her card and handed it to the lady. After getting the tickets they went to the next floor to get popcorns and drinks, then got into the twelfth auditorium to watch the movie. The auditorium was scanty with just about eight people in it. They made their way to the very top and took their seats behind a couple who were in the middle of sucking each other's faces out. Amira giggled and nudged Zulaihat who had a mischievous grin on her face.

"Watch what I'm about to do." Zulaihat whispered, then took a handful of her popcorn and threw it at them. They broke their kiss and looked flustered.

Amira and Zulaihat laughed hysterically and waved at the couple who had embarrassed looks on their faces. The lady stood up and rushed to the bottom of the auditorium with her boyfriend, or probably someone's boyfriend and took a seat there.

"The look on their faces, ya Allah!" Zulaihat giggled.

"I know right! Priceless!" Amira joined her.

When they finally sobered up, they paid attention to the movie with Zulaihat gushing about how handsome Tom Hardy looked.

"I'm never going to the movies with you again." Amira groaned as Zulaihat kept blabbering.

"You know you love me sister in-law." Zulaihat teased.

"Shut up!" Amira blushed and faced the large screen.

Thirty minutes into the movie, Zulaihat texted Hassan to meet them at the cinema in an hour. Amira who was oblivious to all this was scrunching her face in disgust when venom brought out it's tongue.

"This is so disgusting."

"What is?" Zulaihat asked, looking at the screen.

"It's tongue."

"Oh that!" She shrugged it off and laughed at something Tom Hardy said.

When the movie was over, they walked out of the auditorium and Amira bumped into one of her male friends from school who pulled her into a hug.

"Hey!" She giggled and pulled out of his embrace.

"Hey what? Don't you miss me?" He chuckled.

"Of course idiot! How have you been? Meanwhile, meet my sister in-law Zulaihat." She blushed when she called Zulaihat her sister in-law.

"Sister in-law? Okay tell me what I don't know." He shook his head.

"I am getting married soon Aasim."

"Oh wow! Sorry Zulaihat, hey I'm Aasim."

Zulaihat blushed and took his palm that was stretched out. "I'm Zulaihat."

"Nice meeting you. Maybe we could talk some other time?" He smirked.

"No!" Amira pushed him aside. "Not Zulaihat."

"Aww, don't be a meanie." He pouted.

"It's fine." Zulaihat said and collected his phone.

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