Chapter 10

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Amira looked through all the stuff her mother had gotten her from her trip to Dubai. There were beautiful abayas, jewelries and Arabian Oud.

"Thank you mummy." She grinned, then picked up an abaya to try on.

"Do you like this?" her mum asked.

"I love all of them, thanks."

"Right then, you can take them to your room."

Amira packed the bags and headed to her room. She checked her notifications and saw a few messages from Hasna and Hassan. She opened the former and smiled.

'Idiot! Are you home yet?' - Hasna.

'I bet if it was Hassan's message you would've replied by now.' - Hasna.

'Ameeeeeerrrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!' - Hasna.

'Never mind...' - Hasna.

Amira shook her head at her best friend's messages and replied them one after the other. Not long after, Hasna replied and they chatted on and on with Amira completely forgetting about Hassan's messages.

Not until he sent a 'you there?' did she realize she hadn't replied him.

'Yeah, hey babe.' - Amira.

'Took you long enough. What are you up to?' - Hassan.

'Nothing much. I was just trying on the clothes my mum got me. Want to see?' - Amira.

'Sure babe.' - Hassan.

Amira put them on one after the other with their matching jewelries and took mirror photos to send to Hassan. When he got them, he smiled and replied instantly.

'My baby looking peng huh?' - Hassan.

'Of course! I have to always look peng.' - Amira.

'They look good on you. So...which are you wearing to my parent's?' - Hassan.

'Don't be faster than your shadow. I never said I was coming, I said I'd try. I have to find an excuse to leave the house.' - Amira.

'I can just come and speak to your parents to let you come with me.' - Hassan.

'You must be crazy. Don't you dare! I'll get in so much trouble.' - Amira.

'No you won't.' - Hassan.

'I wish. Tomorrow fine by you?' - Amira.

'Sure, I'll tell my mum.' - Hassan.

'Good then, I'll just make an excuse.' - Amira.

'Right, I'll talk to you later. Work calls ;p' - Hassan.

'Okay, love you.' - Amira.

'Love you more babe.' - Hassan.

Amira put her phone aside and folded the clothes neatly in her wardrobe, then arranged the jewelries in a drawer under the mirror and perfumes on her vanity table.

She was bored. With no siblings, all she ever did was stay on her phone all day or watch random television programs. She had everything one could ever wish for; money, loving parents, expensive trips, an overpriced iPhone, everything! But they couldn't fill the void in her heart. She wanted a little brother or sister she could play with.

Sighing, she picked up her converse, yoga pants, a tank top and her headset and headed to the gym downstairs. Their house was a five bedroom terraced duplex at Brains and Hammers so having a gym wasn't surprising.

She increased the speed on the treadmill as she ran, drowning all her thoughts away. She needed to lose a few pounds or she'd look more unattractive. She wasn't all that fat, she was rather thick but she saw her body as fat and ugly most of time.

When she was tired of running, she hopped on the bike and rode for a few minutes before going ahead to do some squats. She needed her bum nice and round, and slowly, she was getting her body goals. After exercising, she took her bath and ate dinner, then went back up to her room.

She looked through the clothes in her wardrobe and picked out the ones she didn't need. Every three months, she'd empty half of her wardrobe and give the clothes out to charity.

When she was through, she arranged the rest and went to sleep. Her father still wasn't back home and she couldn't wait for him to return. She was tired.


The next morning, she woke up and did her workout routine then proceeded to eat a healthy breakfast of a slice of wheat bread, one boiled egg and a lettuce.

It was the day she'd have lunch at Hassan's parent's house and she didn't know what excuse to give her mum. After racking her brain, she concluded on saying she needed to visit a sick friend at Garki hospital.

As she walked out of her room to tell her mother, she bumped into her father.

'Good morning daddy." She smiled at him.

He was rushing to work so he gave her a quick nod and headed out without even having breakfast. Amira rolled her eyes and entered her mother's room.

     "Good morning mummy." she greeted and plopped down on the bed.

     With a smile on her mum's face, she turned to answer Amira. After a few chit chats, Amira cleared her throat.

     "Mum, I need to visit my friend later in the afternoon, she's sick."

     "And who's the friend?" her mum asked, swiping through her phone.

     "Laila, the one from Lead British International School." Amira fiddled with her shirt as she answered.

     "I thought you attended Glisten International Academy. How did you know her?" her mum eyed her suspiciously.

     Amira groaned and sighed in frustration. "From school competitions."

     "Okay, tell the driver to drop you off and wait for you."

     "There's no need, I can go by myself."

     "Either the driver takes you or you stay at home."

     Amira pouted and nodded her head, then got up to leave. When she got to her room, she texted Hassan.

     'Mum is making the driver drop me. :(' - Amira.

     'Well? Hard luck, lol. Don't worry about the driver. Let him bring you.' - Hassan.

     'What are you saying?' - Amira.

     'I have a younger sister about your age. I'd just tell her to come out to pick you and act like you've known each other for a while.' - Hassan.

     'Smart! I'll start getting ready. I should be at your home by 2:00pm.' - Amira.

     'Can't wait to see you ;)' - Hassan.

     'Shut up.' - Amira.

     'I love you too.' - Hassan.

     'Get out of my phone xDxD.' - Amira.

     'Ouch babe.' - Hassan.

     'I love you more.' - Amira.

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