The Hyuuga Incident

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Itachi heard Naomi's voice as he went down the stairs from his room.

"... saw him sneaking away from the Hyuuga compound with a sack over his shoulder. He looked like a thief and the Uchiha are police, right? So, I tried to stop him, I didn't know he was a Ninja. He dropped the sack and defended against me. He was really fast, and then my sharingan activated. I could see him clearly and the muscles around his nose were twitching. I gathered he must have a sensitive nose so I blew up the chilly powder pack I had bought just before. He was twitching on the ground till the ANBU arrived to take him." She giggled.

Itachi entered the room to find father and mother listening intently to Naomi and Sasuke on mother's lap.

"Then I opened up the bag, and there was a cute little girl inside. She was terrified but she was like really really cute with that hime cut hairstyle... "

Father cleared his throat.

"Right. So, I was comforting her, when Hiashi-sama arrived, byakugan blazing. I explained to him what happened. He then thanked me and said that the Hyuuga clan owed me a favor. He looked really pained though saying that, as though the stick up his arse was actually hurting him."

"Arse." Sasuke chimed up. "Arse."

Naomi gained a pained expression. " I swear Fugaku-sama, he does this on purpose to get me in trouble."

Father held a long suffering sigh. "Naomi, just... Just go." He swallowed. "Good work."

Itachi tried not to think about how the hypothetical stick in his father's ass must be hurting him right now, as he complimented Naomi. Something must have shown on his expression, as Naomi winked at him and grinned as she passed. "Bye, Itachi-chan."

He schooled his expression and asked his father, "Someone tried to kidnap the Hyuuga heiress?"

"Hn. The Kumo diplomat."

Itachi couldn't contain his snort at Naomi beating down a Kumo Ninja, her self proclaimed enemy since she was four.

His parents looked at him with scandalized expressions. "You're spending way too much time with her." His father declared.

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