Shisui Sensei

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The chibis managed to pass, Shisui repeated to himself, possibly the hundredth time. He still couldn't believe it. When the Hokage assigned him a genin team, he naturally went to Kakashi-senpai as he held the record of the most number of genin teams failed. What he got from him was a masterpiece of psychological warfare created to fail unsuspecting genin- the bell test. And the Hokage couldn't even fault him for using it as he had himself used it for the sannin.

Meeting his potential genin, he was sure that they would fail the test. But somehow, using the luck of kami, they had actuality managed to pass the second test of teamwork. And now Shisui was the jonin sensei of his brat of a cousin, the kyuubi jinchiruchi and a pink haired civilian girl. He was so screwed.

It was due to these distracting thoughts that he didn't notice anything unusual as he entered his house. Not until he was pinned against the wall with a kunai to his neck.

"Ne, nii-chan, you're getting sloppy in your old age." said sorely missed, familiar voice.

"Hey, I was distracted." Shisui replied. The kunai was removed and he turned around to see the grinning face of his imouto.

" 'You can never be distracted when you're a shinobi, imouto. The distracted shinobi is a dead shinobi.'" she said, trying to mimic his voice.

" Still a brat, I see. How did your training go?"

"It went well, considering how easily I got a drop on you."

Shisui had missed his sister. The bantering, the sparring, good food, a happy Itachi, it felt like all the good things in his life had left with Naomi.

"Atleast Itachi will stop brooding, now that you're back." he commented.


"That's all he's been doing since you left - training, missions and brooding. If I'd known he was so hopelessly in love with you, I probably wouldn't have tried to kill him when he asked you to marry him."

" 'Tried' being the key word. And he's not in love with me. He asked me to marry him because he I'm the only female his age that isn't his fangirl."

Shisui couldn't contain his snort in response to that." You know, for such a smart person, you can be really dumb sometimes. He should be training in the HC section of Forest of Death, if you wish to see him. " he offered, casually.

Naomi narrowed her eyes. " I'll do that. You should prepare a training schedule for your team. Congratulations, by the way, Shisui sensei. " She said, while grinning cheerfully, before shunshining away.

Damn. How did she...?

Oh. Sometimes he forgot shinobi gossip worse than fish wives.

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