An Old Friend

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Kakashi was working with Naruto, helping him add wind element to his rasengan, on the Hokage's request, when an orange masked man with red and black cloak, suddenly appeared on the training field. He recognized him as an Akatsuki member, like the missing nin that attacked Naruto a year ago in Wave.

The masked man grabbed Naruto and disappeared using a space time jutsu that looked suspiciously like Kamui.

Not questioning it for the moment, Kakashi activated his Mangekyou Sharingan and followed them using Kamui. He found himself in what seemed like a pocket dimension, where Naruto was fighting the masker nin or rather getting soundly thrashed by the masked nin.

Kakashi quickly joined the battle and realised that their enemy was at least S rank, and had quite a few surprises up his sleeve, including turning intangible at will, mokouton, and surprisingly, a Sharingan. Between Naruto and him, they were able to get one hit which shattered his mask, only to reveal the half-scarred face of a man Kakashi had grieved for 15 years.

"You always manage to make things difficult, don't you Kakashi?" the man wearing Obito's face snarled.

"You know this joker, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked.

The twitch on his face, in reaction to the insult, dismissed the doubts Kakashi had about his identity.

"Obito." he said softly.

"Heh? Your teammate? The one on my dad's team?" Naruto asked.

"That's the one." Kakashi said, dryly, dodging an earth spear that would have taken off his head.

"What happened to you, Obito?" Kakashi asked, not really expecting an answer, but hoping to buy some time.

"I saw you kill Rin, after you promised to protect her." Kakashi almost wished he hadn't got the reply.

"And why are you doing this? What would capturing Naruto accomplish?"

"It's not about Naruto. I want the Kyuubi. It, together with all biju, would help me create a perfect world, where Minato sensei is not late, you don't break your promises and Rin doesn't die. Even Naruto will have his parents in that world. This world.... " Obito fainted, mid sentence, as Naruto appeared beside him.

" Good job, Kakashi sensei. " Naruto beamed at him, slapping chakra suppression seals on Obito.

" What do you mean, Naruto? " Kakashi asked, perplexed.

"Weren't you distracting him, by getting him to monologue? Naomi nee-chan taught me that bad guys always like to monologue, and we should never listen to it, but should take advantage of the distraction. I just henged into a spider, got close to him, then put a chakra draining seal on him." Naruto explained, as he tied Obito up with ninja wire.

"I see. Good job, Naruto." he said, faintly, his chakra exhaustion finally catching up to him. " I'll get us out here, then take Obito to T & I. You get the Hokage."

"Hai sensei."

About an hour later, Kakashi was standing in the Hokage office, glaring at Itachi.

"Something you wish to say, Kakashi-san? You've been standing there for ten minutes." the young Godaime asked, without looking up from his paperwork.

"You knew." he accused. "You knew that Obito was alive and after Naruto, when you told me about the Mangekyou Sharingan."

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." the young Godaime said, looking up. "But let's assume I knew. Would you have told yourself if you had been in my place?"

Kakashi didn't say anything for a minute. "No." he said, grudgingly. "What's going to happen to him?"

"Life imprisonment in psych ward." was the prompt reply.

"Why?" Kakashi was baffled.

"Didn't he tell you about his plan to cast a genjutsu of every human, with the moon?"

Now that he thought about it......

"Will I be able to visit him?"

"Once a week. Under heavy security."

Good enough, he supposed.

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