Marital Troubles

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It was night by the time Naomi reached Wave. She was really tired after her mission and Wave was a bit out of the way, but she knew how important this was for Itachi. This would be the third major village he would make an alliance with and she wanted to be there with him for it.

She tracked his chakra to a clearing outside the village, only to find him smiling at a red haired woman, who (from what she could see) was trying very hard to get into his pants.

He turned to face her. "Naomi-san, what are you doing here?" He asked in his Hokage voice.

"I have some news that couldn't wait, Hokage-sama." she said, trying hard to control her emotions.

"I would see you tomorrow then, Mizukage-dono." he actually smiled at her again.

As soon as we reached his room, she applied the silencing seals and turned to face him. "What was that?"

"She apparently had questions regarding some clauses." he rolled his eyes.

"She was trying to seduce you."

"Really? I didn't notice." he said, dryly.

"You were letting her seduce you." she pointed out.

"We are going to sign the alliance document tomorrow. She is attracted to me, if that's going to prevent her from looking too closely at the clauses that benifit Konoha, then I'm fine with it." He shrugged.

"I see."

"Naomi." he came forward to kiss her. She stepped backwards.

He sighed. "Naomi, I'm the Hokage. I'm supposed to..."

"Yeah, sure." she cut him off. "I'm going to go now."

Naomi hiraishined directly to her room, nearly exhausting her chakra and fell on her bed. She fell asleep crying, and dreamt of powerful, beautiful red heads stealing away her husband.

She didn't wake up till late afternoon and received a summon to the Hokage tower soon after that.

Itachi was working on paperwork when she entered.

"Hokage-sama." she greeted him, formally. "How did the signing go?"

"Favorable for us. Much better than I anticipated." he gave her a pointed look.

"Congratulations." she bit out.

"Naomi, please stop being unreasonable."

"Give me a seduction mission."

"Pardon?" he looked perplexed.

"I said, give me a seduction mission, Hokage-sama. I am requesting it, for the good of the village, it is my duty as the Kunoichi of this village."

He just stared at her. She didn't find any joy at finally leaving him speechless.

"Give it to me, dammit." she shouted.

"Naomi... I.."

"If you don't have one for me right now, may I be dismissed?"

She barely waited for him to nod before storming out of his office.

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