The Warmonger's Trial

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Inoichi was very happy with the Godaime's reign. Itachi was bringing changes in Konoha that he had expected Minato to bring, but he had been very cautious in the first year of his reign, following every one of the Sandaime's instructions. If he was honest, he wasn't a fan of the Sandaime, and they had been living under his rule for decades now. Itachi was a breath of fresh air to this staleness.

He was surprised to be called to an emergency clan council meeting at midnight, but was curious to see what was going on. He reached the chambers and was surprised to find Tsunade occupying the Senju Head seat.

"Thank you for coming promptly." The Godaime started the meeting. "I've encountered evidence suggesting one of our members indulging in criminal activities and thought it best to give them a trial here in secrecy rather than going to the civil court. Shimura Danzo, you are put under arrest for the duration of of the trial."

ANBU placed themselves around Danzo who had began fuming in his seat. Inoichi couldn't say he was surprised to learn that Danzo indulged in criminal activities. It was more shocking that Itachi actually found proof and was organizing a trail.

"This is and outrage. You become Hokage for a year, and you think you can harass councilmembers? Cease this nonsense at once." Danzo shouted.

"You will be given a chance to defend yourself, Danzo-san. The charges against you are blood line theft of Sharingan and Mokuton, kidnapping numerous children from orphanages, killing half of those children, providing children to experiment on to Orochimaru, conspiracy for murder of Kato Dan, conspiracy of failure of Hatake Sakumo's last mission leading to his suicide and the third shinobi war, conspiring with Hanzo the Salamander behind the Yondaime's back in order to prolong the war with Iwa and a confrontation leading to death of one of Jiraiya-sama's students in Ame, using an unapproved seal on Konoha shinobi binding their loyalties to you instead of the Hokage. What do you plead? "

Inoichi had to stop himself from gaping. The old warhawk was responsible for so much?

The Sandaime broke the stunned silence to defend his old friend. "Itachi. I don't think this is necessary, digging up..."

He was cut off by Itachi. "Sarutobi-dono, I am presiding over this meeting as the Godaime Hokage. I would ask you to address me as such." Ooh, burn! "Danzo-san, what do you plead?"

"I only did what I thought was good for the village." Danzo answered.

"And that is the only reason you are not being tried in public. Do you plead guilty to these charges or not?"

"I do."

"The bloodline theft alone has a death sentence in the Konoha charter, not to mention innumerable counts of murder, four counts of treason..."

"I've never committed treason. Everything I've done has been for this village. I've dealt with the shadows, so Hiruzen could rule in the light."

"That is not a good enough defence. All those in favor of death sentence, please raise your hands."

Everybody except the Sandaime raised their hands.

"If you think I'll accept this, then you are a fool." Danzo snarled, moving to put his hand on his abdomen, which was deftly caught by an ANBU, who was somehow expecting it.

"We can add the charge of attempting to murder the clan council by suicide seal." Itachi said dryly. "Shark, please carry out his execution."

Danzo's head was promptly removed from his body.

"The meeting is over. Thank you for coming. Dismissed."

Inoichi saw Tsunade making her way over to Itachi and stopped to listen.

"I'm taking over the hospital." she said. She was trembling slightly.

"As you wish, Tsunade-hime." Itachi replied, innocently, as if her being present to witness the bloody death of her lover's murderer wasn't a ploy to get her over her hemophobia. Inoichi really liked this kid.

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