Together In Death

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Naomi watched in disbelief as the chunnin exams arena was destroyed by Momoshiki and Kinshiki Otsutsuki, while effortlessly fighting all five kages and Sasuke. Never even in her darkest dreams she had imagined that her actions could lead to this predicament. It was foolish of her to assume that the threats faced by Konoha would be limited to the ones she had seen in the Anime, moreover when she had never bothered to watch the sequels.

The actions taken by her and Itachi were instrumental in avoiding the Fourth Shinobi War. They were also responsible for stunting the growth of many ninjas. Shinobi flourish and grow in war, after all. Sasuke didn't have the Mangekyou let alone the EMS or Rinnegan. Naruto didn't have the Six Paths Mode. It was the same with the other kages. They were barely keeping up with the Otsutsukis.

They weren't even familiar with their powers due to absence of any encounter with Kaguya. This was further hindering them. Soon they would be overpowered and (as they had been helpfully informed during his monologue) Momoshiki would suck the chakra of the planet dry starting from the Kyuubi.

How could she have been so stupid? She never paused to think of the reason for Kaguya to amass a Zetsu army.

There was no use wallowing now. She had to find a way to stop those two, at any cost.

...... At any cost. Shiki fuin. Nothing else would be powerful enough to stop them.

The cost of sealing them would be her own soul. She accepted that. But there were two of them. And the only person capable of using Shiki fuin aside from her, in Konoha, was her husband.

As if reaching the same conclusion, Itachi's eyes found hers from across the battlefield. They were determined. No words were needed between them. There was no stopping him from this.

Naomi sighed. '... In life and death' those were the words spoken at her wedding. It seems this was the time to fulfill them.

Like a well oiled machine, Itachi and her entered the battlefield, seamlessly joining their allies. Their support helped their side push back a little and catch their breaths. Itachi subtly told them to put the Otsutsukis in specific positions. They had no reason to doubt his word. Itachi was a previous Hokage and well respected among them. Sasuke had a suspicious glint in his eye, though.

Naomi forcefully pushed back the thought of how this would affect Sasuke. There was no other way.

Soon enough Itachi and her were back to back with Momoshiki and Kinshiki in front of them respectively. Momoshiki was saying something but instead of listening to his monologue she focused on her last moments alive with Itachi.

"Shiki Fuin." She shouted together with Itachi, catching the Otsutsukis off gaurd.

Then all she knew was pain. She knew the jutsu worked because the only thing capable of causing such pain would be the Shinigami ripping her soul from her body. She was dimly aware of Itachi's hand holding hers as she fell.

No regrets. Those were her thoughts before she lost herself to the abyss

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