Shinobi no Yami

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Shimura Danzo was the example of perfect shinobi. He was not supposed to show emotions, but at moment he had a strong urge to tear his hair out in frustration. Hiruzen had just announced to the clan council that his chosen successor was Uchiha Itachi and his reign as the Godaime would start following the chunnin exams.

Even the blonde menace was better than an Uchiha. Danzo didn't know how his plans regarding the Uchiha had messed up so badly. He was sure they would not back down from their coup if he continued to oppress them. But then they had to form alliances with every major clan in Konoha and protest their treatment at clan council meetings. Now Konoha is swarmed by Uchiha in almost every department. Even their damned Police Force accepted non-Uchiha now. Young upstarts started moving out of the clan compound into apartments in Konoha proper. They were too intermingled to safely remove now, he had accepted that.

But he would not accept an Uchiha as his Hokage. His time at the administration building had already shown Danzo that he was a radical. The new academy curriculum designed by him was a slap to the memory of Tobirama-sensei. Sarutobi not seeing the insult as it was, easily accepted it. Granted it showed better results, but that wasn't the point. He was spitting in the name of tradition. ( It also resulted in decreased recruitment in his ROOT army.)

He was too strong to attack directly. His fiancée, however, she was still a chunnin, not a particularly talented one at that.

Perhaps it was time to contact Orochimaru. He had wanted a body with a Sharingan, hadn't he? Danzo could easily send her his way.

Yes, it was a perfect plan. Orochimaru would owe him a favor, and Itachi could be blackmailed to not accept the position.

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