An Alliance With Kumo

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A eyed the two chunnin Konoha had sent to him as diplomats. An Uchiha and a Hyuuga. It was like Konoha wasn't afraid of bloodline theft anymore, now that he had succeeded his father. Either they were really brave or really stupid.

"And why should I agree to this buddy - buddy agreement? Exchange students, Ambassadors, Joint missions, outsourcing, trade agreements... Heh, it's just you using a stronger village to boost the power of your weak one."

"You aren't calling Konoha weak, are you? Did you forget who won the last three wars?" the Uchiha said.

"That was when Konoha had a strong leadership. I saw your Hokage last month at the Iwa chunnin exams, buddying up with Onoki. He is bloody prettier than my wife. It is the proof of him being weak that he wants these alliances."

"Hokage-sama can defeat you any day." the girl fumed.

So much faith in their Hokage. "Care to put your money where your mouth is? Let's have a match between me and your Hokage. If he wins, I'll agree to the alliance. If I win, I want the Hyuuga here to impregnate 10 kumo women."

The Hyuuga made a noise of protest.

"It's all right, Neji. Ita... Hokage-sama isn't going to lose." the girl told him.

She extended a fist towards him. "Deal. But you'll sign the alliance with binding seals. No back-stabbing or take backs."

He bumped her fist with hers, impressed with her knowledge of Kumo customs.

A month later, A was standing in the arena across the young Hokage. The stadium was filled to brim. Shame, it was going to be a short match.

"I'm going to give you a free shot." he called to him.

Itachi raised an eyebrow and shot a kunai at him.

He easily dodged. "Pathetic." he growled and activated his lightening armour preparing to knock him out. As soon as he reached him, he vanished. A had a sense of deja vu. He looked back to the place where his kunai had landed and saw him standing there.

"Hiraishin." Was that a freaking requirement to become a Kage in Konoha?

A stopped underestimating him right then. He pulled out his best moves but still wasn't able to get him. The rascal somehow knew all about his moves and their counters, and he hadn't even activated his sharingan.

After much effort he was able get a drop on him and put a sword to his throat. Instead of surrendering, he dissolved into a pack of crows.

"Genjutsu." A pulsed his Chakra to find himself bound by Ninja wire and had a kunai at his throat.

"Do you surrender?" the Hokage asked him. He nodded, to the silent disbelief of the audience. But he knew he couldn't win this. He was thoroughly outclassed by a teenager. Maybe an alliance with Konoha wouldn't be so bad, if only for self preservation.

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