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Naomi didn't think much about the courier mission given to her by an ANBU, not until she was halfway to Kei, her destination. It was a standard mission assigned to chunnin. But the ANBU was wearing a Bear mask, and wasn't Bear taller than that?

She didn't have much time to contemplate on it when she felt a spike of chakra behind her. She dodged a wind jutsu that would have taken her head had it connected.

"Ku Ku Ku Ku. Not too shabby are you? Danzo didn't think much of your abilities."

She didn't need to look at him to know who it was. The creepy laughter was enough of an identification. She had to play this very carefully . Naomi was under no delusions that she could defeat the sannin at full power. But she was sure he was going to spend some time testing her, as he did with Sasuke. (It was a no brainer that he was here for her body.) She discreetly activated her Mangekyou and put them underneath a genjutsu to appear as normal sharingan.

She turned to block the kick he was aiming at her. You are in love with Jiraiya. You crave his approval above all else. You wouldn't do anything to disappoint him. She started weaving the genjutsu around him with Kotoamatsukami, as they traded blows. She needed something that wasn't in complete contrast with his mentality. She also didn't mind playing a prank on her perverted sensei.

She started using seals in their spar, when she was sure the genjutsu was in place.


"Barrier seals? These look like Jiraiya's work."

"Hai, he's my sensei." Naomi replied, as she prayed for him to take the bait.


He abruptly stopped his attack and silently observed her for some time. " At least you're better than the blonde menace." he said grudgingly. "Where is Jiraiya these days?"

"Following every rumor of your tail." She replied, carefully not mentioning that sensei wanted to find him only to defeat him. "He's going to be in Konoha during chunnin exam finals if you want to catch up."

He flinched, minutely, but enough for a the sharingan to notice.

And sinker.

"Ah, so the rumors about you planning to invade Konoha with Suna, during the finals, are true then. Shame." She shook her head. "Sensei was so sure that you would never fall as low as to attack Konoha."

He visibly wilted.

"I wouldn't." he said. "According to Danzo, Sarutobi sensei is already retiring. It's not worth the effort. I'll have to talk to Rasa..." he sighed. "Try not to get killed brat. Jiraiya has lost enough students already."

Naomi vomited into the bushes as soon as he left, as she realised what she had just done.

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