What Went Wrong?

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Obito sat in his cell, trying in vain to get his restraints loose. He knew even if he managed to lose his cuffs, the amount of chakra suppression seals on him were enough to subdue a jinchiruchi. He still knew he'd get out of here. Zetsu would search for him if he didn't turn up on their meeting place. Konoha knew nothing about Zetsu or his abilities. He was fairly sure he'd get free. And then Kakashi would pay for interfering.

As he sat there, waiting for Zetsu, he contemplated what had gone wrong. He couldn't even pin point when it had started to go wrong. Possibly 8 years ago, when was depending on the Uchiha coup to provide him with fresh supply of Sharingan and suddenly there wasn't a coup anymore, after that Orochimaru's betrayal, Hidan and Kakazu's deaths, followed by Kisame and Sasori. Nagato and Konan's withdrawal from Akatsuki was the last straw, which prompted him to do the job himself.

With the new alliances, he couldn't even depend on war to bring the jinchiruchi out in the open. Naruto was one jinchiruchi whose location he knew for sure, so he decided to start with him.

But somehow Kakashi had figured out how to use the Mangekyou Sharingan and Naruto had inherited Kushina nee-chan's creativity along with Minato sensei's sneakiness.

He was broken out from his musings by Zetsu's arrival, with his black and white head poking through the floor. However, as soon as he was completely out of the ground, he was suddenly trapped in some kind of barrier seal. Zetsu tried to escape by sinking into the floor, but was burned by the barrier that apparently also covered the floor. Slowly the walls began to converge, and Zetsu as burned by black flames. In about five minutes Zetsu was nothing but ash. The door suddenly opened and an Uchiha girl entered.

She collected Zetsu's ash in a storage scroll before promptly destroying it, leading to destruction of his remains.

"Why the hell did you do that?" he asked.

She shrugged. "He is a persistent bastard. Don't want him coming back through ashes. How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have your murderous urges decreased?"

"Why....." Obito started to say, but paused to think about it. He was actually feeling a lot less murderous towards Kakashi than he did a minute ago. "Yes. How did you know?" he answered the girl.

"I examined you when you were unconscious. There was a control seal over your heart that also had an aggressiveness component. I couldn't remove it without an opening your thorax and it also served as a tracker for Zetsu to find you. It dissolved automatically with the death of the controller. "

A control seal? She was lying. She had to be. This was some twisted form of interrogation. But they didn't exactly need any information, did they?

"How did you know about Zetsu?" he asked.

"It's cute that you think that I'll tell you." she threw him a smirk. "Don't worry, Kakashi-san is coming to visit you. You can grill him all you want about information. He has been waiting such a long time too. We had to wait untill Zetsu was dead, before allowing any visitors, you see. Wouldn't want them activating the seal by accident. "

Almost immediately after she left, Kakashi entered and took a seat.

Obito waited for him to say something to try and make him feel guilty. Instead he took out a book with an Orange color and began to read.

" What are you doing, Kakashi? " he growled.

"Maa, did you say something?"

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