You Need Glasses

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Shisui had come with Naomi to the summer festival. Apparently, Itachi was too busy, and his little sister didn't want to come alone. He was happy to be there for her, but he was Bored, with a capital B. The summer festival had stopped being fun for him when he was 8, but Naomi somehow never managed to outgrow it.

"Nii-chan, what the 1st prize?" She asked, pointing towards the board above the 'Hit the Target' stall, eyes squinting.

"It's a box of dango. And you're not playing that, it's for children. You're the Hokage's wife. Act like it."

"The only example I have of a Hokage's wife is Kushina-sama, and you might remember she wasn't the epitome of dignity." she grumbled.

Shisui imagined Naomi following Kushina-sama's prankster ways, and shuddered. "She isn't the best role model for you. Try acting like Itachi."

"No, thank you. He's boring enough for the both of us." she replied.

"Hey, imouto. How come you weren't able to read the board yourself?"

"There was a glare from the angel I was seeing it from."

Shisui doubted that.

The next day he found Naomi squinting at her seal work, going as far as moving the paper closer to her eyes.

"All right, that's it. We're going to an optician. You need glasses."

"I don't." she countered.

"Naomi-chan, you're obviously having difficulty seeing properly. Are you worried Itachi won't find you pretty anymore, if you get glasses?"

She blushed. "Don't be silly. Itachi would find me pretty even when I get old and wrinkly. Glasses aren't going to change that."

"Then why aren't you getting them?"

"Because they wouldn't work." she mumbled.

"Why not?" he asked.


"Excuse me." Shisui said, slowly. "Did you just say that you've been overusing you Mangekyou?"

Naomi nodded.

"When did you even get a Mangekyou Sharingan?"

"During the training trip with Jiraiya."

"8 years? You've had it for 8 years? Why didn't you tell me?" he forced himself not to ask about how it was activated. It wasn't a question he would want to answer himself.

"Uh.... It never came up and I forgot?" she tried to give him the puppy eyes.

"You realize if you had told me, you wouldn't be going blind, right now?" Shisui questioned.

Naomi gasped. "Nii-chan, I'm not going to rip your eyeballs out off your sockets."

Shisui pinched his nosebridge. "Naomi that's just a horror story told about Madara, to the children of the clan. We can simply get a mutual vitreous transplant. It'll diminish both of our chances of going blind and reduce the chakra cost of techniques."

The birds chirped.

"I didnt know that."

"Obviously." he deadpanned.

She threw a pillow at him. "Don't imply I'm stupid. Even Itachi didn't know."

"Itachi couldn't have known. It is a secret passed through our branch of family. Tou-san told me when I graduated."

"Well, he obviously didn't tell me." she grumbled. "I can tell Itachi, right?"

"As if you won't, if I refuse." Shisui snorted. "Sure, tell him. Then, he can also tell you how stupid you were, for not telling me for 8 years."

He got another pillow to his face for his troubles.

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