Three. 🍸

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My plans for an evening filled with booze and throwing up was put on hold to accompany my father to a business meeting. I didn't know what he thought he was going to achieve by taking me, I wasn't going to take any of it in and I certainly was going to appreciate it at the end of the day. Thomas wasn't getting away with no accompanying us either, my father had made sure that we were both going to attend. 

Laying on my bed after showering I let out a groan as I looked up at the ceiling before lazily feeling around on the bed for my mobile phone. Hitting my hand over it I pulled it into my view and held it above my face and unlocked it as I stared up at it with my arms outstretched. I opened my texts and sent a message to both Jessica and Zayn telling them that I was not going to be able to make it out tonight but I would text them when I knew where my father was taking me. He usually conducted his business meetings in restaurants or well-known clubs, public places. 

I flung my mobile back on the bed before I pushed myself up and off the bed before I padded over to my wardrobe opening it and rifling through the excessive amounts of clothes I had. I loved my father very much but sometimes he went overboard with the spending, buying more than we required in a hope to make up for the things we lacked, a mother and his time and attention. As much as the latest trend or that expensive handbag was nice sometimes it would have been nice to have the real things. 

Pulling out a pink strapless dress I laid it on my bed before I looked towards the mirror, it looked like I had a lot of work to do on myself to make myself look presentable before I left the house. 


The club was my father decided to choose was absolutely rammed with loads of young people who were here to have fun meanwhile I was here for business. I rolled my eyes as I followed my father up the stairs to the VIP area above the rest of the club. My giant nude heels were an absolute killer whilst on the stairs, I held the railing tight as I walked behind my father but in front of my twin brother. Once at the top of the stairs I took a step forward and stood behind my father as he spoke to the man who held the rope to the VIP area. 

"This is all very fancy," I whispered to Thomas who finally stood next to me. I looked at his suit and straightened his black tie out for him as I smiled at him. "You look really grown up tonight."

He smiled at me before I turned back to my father before we walked past the bouncer who was holding the rope open for us to walk through. I allowed myself to stay two steps behind my father before he finally stopped, I halted as he took a seat around an empty table. "Take a seat," he told us both. 

My eyes scanned the empty seats before choosing one which was allowed me to see down to the club below. I sat in the chair before placing my bag on the table and getting my phone out. 

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