Thirtythree. 🍎

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When the clock hit 9 pm visiting times was over, Harry handed me a piece of paper with his phone number on before he left. I watched as he left the ward leaving me alone. I should have been grateful that I was alone but actually it was creepy. Spending so much time in someone's company before finding yourself alone could damage you. 

Laying in the bed I stared at the door hoping that any second he was going to return but after an hour I knew I wouldn't see him until tomorrow now. The nurse did a check on me before she left me alone, turning the light off in the room as she left. 

The darkness was all consuming as I laid there. I started to feel like I couldn't breathe, there was no one here to just rely on, no one to just be here, Harry was back at the house and I was truly alone. Looking around in the darkness my eyes adjusted to the room as I tried to find something to keep me occupied, something that would take my mind off him. 

Every time I closed my eyes all I saw was him, his intense stare, his bright green eyes that followed me around. He was starting to be in my every thought and every moment, he was in all my dreams and every single nightmare. I couldn't escape him, I didn't know what all of this meant but it scared me. I had never had anyone in my life who was there was much as he was, no one had haunted me like he did. 

Clutching the piece of paper in my right hand I held it tightly as if my life depended on it, like this piece of paper was going to keep me as safe as he did. I knew better though, without him here I was in danger I just tried to ignore it. 

Grabbing the remote from the side of my bed I pressed the button to get the nurses attention, a minute passed before the door opened and the light turned on and revealed a short ginger haired nurse who walked towards me with a swagger in her steps. 

"Are you okay?" She asked me as she looked at my notes. 

I shook my head at her as I handed her the paper, "I want to go home. This person can come get me."

"You can't go home, you've had surgery today."

"I can't stay here," I told her as I sat up properly clutching my stomach due to the pain that sitting up had caused me. "I need to get back home."

She rolled her eyes at me, "You're just nervous about staying here. You just need to relax and try to get some sleep."

"No, I can't. I have to get home."

The nurse, who's tag read Jackie, put the piece of paper on the table before she adjusted the drugs I was being administered, "This will help you sleep, Miss," she assured me with a smile. "You just need to stay here tonight and you can go home tomorrow."

I reached forward and took the piece of paper as I felt the drugs in my system relaxing my muscles and my mood. She left the room as turning the light off as she left leaving me in the room with my thoughts and no way of stopping the nightmares that flooded me. 


I watched as the screen went black before I looked at the person sitting next to me, "Harry?" My voice was happy as I spoke, a smile on my face as I looked at him. 

He stood up before he looked back at me, "See you later then, Ell."

I raised an eyebrow as I looked him up and down, "Where are you going?" I laughed, "What are you wearing?" He was wearing a pair of long shorts and a tank top, "Where are your tattoos?" His skin was completely tattoo free, the skin that I could see anyway. 

"I've never had any tattoos," he told him before he smiled. "You're acting strange tonight, Ell. I'll just call you later."

He left the room before I just sat there before I heard the front door close. I got to my feet and looked out the window, he was in the garden, this garden was the garden from the house my Uncle Jack lived in, actually, the house was my uncle's house. Turning back into the house I jumped when I saw Thomas sitting where I was just sitting. 

"Where did you come from?" I asked him as I stayed by the window. 

"I was just making drinks," he gestured to the three glasses on the coffee table. "Scared off your boyfriend again?"

"Boyfriend?" I questioned. 

"Yes, Harry, you know the guy you've been seeing for ages."

I looked back out the window to Harry who had now left and I could no longer see him. I looked back at Thomas and sighed, "I'm confused."

"You're always confused," uncle Jack walked into the room as he spoke before he put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to his side. "I don't know where I would be without you two here."

My eyes looked up at my uncle, he it was remarkable how much he looked like dad, "Where is dad?" I asked as I looked at Jack before looking at Thomas. 

Thomas and Jack exchanged a look before Thomas looked back at me. "Why don't we get you something to eat, Ell." He got to his feet and smiled at me before Jack let me go and I followed Thomas into the kitchen. 

"Thomas, where is dad?"

He looked back at me as he stood with the fridge door open, "I can't believe you forgot again. I'm going to have to take you to see a doctor."


"He's dead, Ell."

Sitting bolt upright my eyes opened widely as I thought about the words in my dreams, I hoped my dad wasn't dead. I needed to hear from him, I needed to talk to him, I needed to make sure that these dreams were not a message to me. The pain rippled through my body as I laid back down and breathed heavily at my thoughts and dreams.

The light was seeping through the crap blinds that shielded the windows. I ignored the pain as I grabbed the trolley my arm drip was attached to and helped myself out of the bed. My body was in agony as I straightened myself up on my feet before I slowly padded over to the window. Once I made it over I moved the blind out the way and stared out at the world. 

This ward was facing the carpark, there were a few cars in it but mainly empty. There were not many people about, just a few hospital staff in scrubs walking around. 

As I looked I heard the door open, "What are you doing out of bed?"

I turned and saw the ginger nurse from the night before, "Looking out the window."

She came over and put an arm out for me before helping me back to the bed, "Please," she put the blanket over my legs, "You need to stay in bed. We don't want you doing any damage to your stitches."

Stitches, how I hate stitches. I wished there was another way to put my skin back together but right now stitches would have to do. Looking up at the woman, Jackie, I sighed, "Am I going home today?"

Her eyes flickered to the clock which read 6 am before she turned back to me. "Once the doctor checks you over and gives you the okay then you can go home."

"Can I see the doctor now?"

"The doctor does his rounds around 10, you can see him then," she told me as she smiled. 

Looking away from her she took the hint before leaving me alone with my thoughts again. I didn't know what was worse, the thoughts I had last night of being alone or the thoughts that were consuming me now. More questions then thoughts, how would my life be if I was normal? How would my life have turned out if my father was a normal person? Would I have ever met Harry and could we have ever been more than what we are now, because right now what we had sucked. Right now, I had no idea what we had, it was an awkward friendship that only existed because of the situation we were in.

Saving Elliott [Harry Styles] Completed ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora