Fortysix. 🔗

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E L L I O T T C O L E 

I've been in some dire situations recently but right now stuck in this see-through box I knew things were bad. I had no idea where I was going next but I knew that I'd been sold. When women are sold it's usually for the sex trade and now I was a part of that. I guess I was already part of this horrible life, although I thought the relationship I had with Zayn was a two-sided thing it turned out that after everything he was only sleeping with me to get close, for information, for his side. 

Leaning against one of the sides tears streamed down my already tear-stained face as I gave up, there was no escape from this pod, there was no escape from this life no matter how much I wanted something different. Closing my eyes I thought about happier times, times when everything was so simple when I was half normal. 

"What are you doing here?!" Jessica's voice was loud and had a hint of surprise in it when she saw me before she threw her arms around me embracing me in a tight hug. 

I smiled as I returned the hug, "I had to get out of the house. Thomas was totally winding me up, he's literally been playing some stupid game all night." I pulled away from her and looked at her before rolling my eyes at my previous statement, "I swear there is no way I am ever going to marry a gamer or someone who spends all their time on the computer. Thomas is so boring, he'll be lucky to ever get laid."

Jessica laughed before she handed me her glass, "He's not here now. Get this down ya then we can party!" 

Her drink was only half full but I took it anyway before she headed away to the bar. I smiled to myself, Jessica really was one of the good ones, a best friend a girl could have. Someone who I trusted with my life, someone who I could depend on completely. 

The box was cold against my exposed arms but it didn't seem to matter, nothing seemed to matter right now. I could really use a friend right now, if all this didn't happen I could have been in a club with Jessica right now, getting drunk and tearing up the dancefloor. She was a distant memory right now, I hadn't seen or spoken to her in forever. 

I hated the silence and that was all I could hear, all the time I had craved to be alone, to have silence and now I had it, it was killing me. I wanted to tear my hair out, to tear my clothes off, to be free of everything. 

One of the doors in the rooms sprung open letting the light in before the light came on. The light revealed Zayn who was standing there with a smirk on his face. "I have to say see you standing there in that dress, behind that wall," he walked towards me and put his hand on the box right in front of me as I leaned against the opposite side. "You look so helpless, so small."

"Fuck off, Zayn." I had nothing to lose, I could be as rude as I wanted. 

He tutted at me as he took his hand back and put it in his pocket. "What's wrong, sweetie?" He pouted as he spoke, "Did you think I was going to come in here and help you?" He laughed as I listened on, "You were never more than a cheap fuck, Terry's daughter, an assignment."

The words stung as I listened to the truth, a sick and twisted truth that I did not deserve. 

"But I learnt more than enough about you, a few things to share with your new owners." He licked his top lip as he looked me up and down, "I was sure to tell him about all your kinks and fetishes when it came to the bedroom. After all, you didn't think you'd be off to just be someone's maid, did you?"

I didn't reply to him, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing my voice any more. 

He took off the leather jacket he was wearing and played it over the back of a chair in the room leaving himself in his skinny black jeans and a white tee. "Being this person," he said as he motioned to his whole self and the jacket. "That's tiring, but you do have daddy issues, after all, every man you choice wears the same as him, just as Jessica said."

My eyes widened as I heard her name, was she more involved than I thought? Was she just talking about, saying I had daddy issues? My eyes looked around as I tried to think about things but it was all too much. 

"Oh," Zayn chuckled. "Are you only just working that out in your head?" 

I looked at him as he spoke before he opened the door and in stepped Jessica, she was wearing a long sparkling ball gown, in a blue colour, one you would wear to prom, her heels clattering on the floor as she linked her arm through Zayn's. "Hello, Elliott."

My voice wasn't working, I couldn't speak, I could barely think as I looked at her before looking between them, was this their plan all along? She must have always been in one it. 

"I wouldn't look so upset," she took her forefinger on her ring hand and twirled it around on Zayn's heavily tattooed arm. "Once I get home I'll make sure to go over and comfort your dad."

I bit my bottom lip trying not to rise to it as she looked at me, a smirk on her face. 

"Although he's getting pretty old," she sighed. "Harry though, I bet you two got exceptionally close, just the two of you in that house, he is going to need someone to comfort him, a shoulder to cry on." 

Looking away from her I tried not to think about any of it but I knew there was nothing more I could do. Once I was shipped out of here she was free to return home, she could go back and see the devastation left behind from me being gone. 

"Don't worry though," Jessica's voice got my attention before I looked back at her. "They will believe you are dead so I won't have the distraction of them looking for you."

I wanted to know why she would do this but I didn't want to ask, I didn't want to know the truth. It was all too much, everything had been a lie with our friendship, where did that leave the rest of my friends and everyone else in my life. Even Thomas wasn't helping me. Once my father thought I was dead then he would be a broken man, he'd be a shell of himself, he'd have nothing left to live for. 

"Enjoy your new life, Ell."

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