Eleven. ☀️

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My aunt had tried her best in the first week to try and get me out of the house, I had stayed in the bedroom with only my thoughts that were all too consuming. I knew I had to get out when I realised that I was getting pale. The bruising on my arm had faded but now I was left with horrible green marks where they were fading. 

I managed to find the energy to have a shower before getting dressed and deciding to leave the house with my aunt for a coffee. She drove us to town in her little white car that seemed to get us there without any problems. We slipped into a local coffee shop where she went to order drinks whilst I grabbed a table. 

"You know," she spoke as she returned to the table with two large mugs of steaming coffee. She placed one in front of me before she sat down and placed her mug in front of her. "It's not so bad here in this town."

My eyes looked around the coffee shop taking in the design that they called original but had been done in most other coffee shops. Looking back at my aunt I laughed, "It's no worse than home, I suppose. I just don't have my friends here."

"You can make new friends," she assured me. "I don't know how long you are going to be here for but you might as well try." She pushed her red hair back tucking it behind her ears before she smiled at me. "You're young, it should be easy for you to make friends."

I shrugged my shoulders before I removed the blue jacket I was wearing and let it hang on the back of my chair, "I don't like people."

She rolled her eyes, "Your father reminded me of how difficult you can be. Maybe you can get a part-time job whilst you are here?"

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket before I pulled it out and spoke to my aunt, "Yeah maybe."

"Elliott," she spoke my name making me look up from the phone I had just got from my pocket. "I think you should really think about your future here."

Looking down at the phone I saw I had a text from Zayn, a smile crept across my face when I saw it was him telling me about his morning so far. I looked back at her as I sighed, "There is no future for me here." I put my left hand on the table and wiggled my ring finger around before I smiled, "I hope to return home soon."

She gasped as she looked at the large stone, "You're a bit young don't you think? What did your father say?"

"Calm down," I shook my head as I held my hand close to my chest as I looked at the ring adoringly. "It's just a promise ring, it just means he'll be there for me when I return home."

Aunt Maria sighed as she let out a chuckle. "I remember what it was like to be young and in love." I looked up at her as she took her mustard cardigan off leaving her black dress on show which covered her chest completely. "When I met my first love I was just as you are now."

"What happened?" I asked as I leaned my right elbow on the table and put my head on my hand as I looked at her. 

She shrugged her shoulders, "We moved in together much against my parent's wishes before he cheated on me." Her story was sad but it was nothing like myself and Zayn, I knew that we were going to be okay, there was something about the way he looked at me that told me he was different. 

"Zayn isn't like that," I told her as I thought about him, a dreamy smile crossing my lips. He was good for me, he'd helped me when I needed him. We had started as friends and that was always good foundations for a relationship. 

I watched as she smiled at me, "You are headstrong like your father. There is no point in me telling you any different than what you believe you already know." She picked her mug up and sipped the liquid before she spoke again, "I'm sure you will prove me wrong."


Phoning Zayn that evening was lush, it was nice just to hear his voice even if we just spoke about things that didn't even matter. "Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live together?" I asked him as I laid on the bed, I had my bum against the large purple headboard and my legs against the wall as I looked up. 

"It's a bit early to be thinking about that, isn't it?"

I laughed, "This is just a hypothetical."

"I don't know if you'd ever want to live with me," he told me. He didn't know me very well, there was nothing I wanted more than to wake up next to him every morning. "I snore at night, you know?"

I smiled to myself, "I think I love you too."

He didn't speak, just leaving silence before I heard him breathe. "You need to come back home," he told me in a serious voice. 

"I'll be back soon," I told him as I rolled over on my front and shuffled down the bed before kicking my legs widely. "I'm working on it." It was a lie, I hadn't done much in the way of returning. 

The truth was I didn't want to return home to my father if it meant I had to see Harry more often. There was something about him that scared me. Maybe it was the way he seemed to take pleasure in threatening me over something so small like my feet being on the chair of his vehicle. I didn't want to get caught up in that mess. And it wasn't even like my father would believe me, I had no proof, only my word. 

"When you are back we can spend a few days together," Zayn told me as I heard the smile in his voice. "We have a lot to catch up on."

"We do indeed," the words left my mouth as I thought about how he looked at me when it was just the two of us. "I guess I better go," I looked up at the clock on the wall seeing it was nearly midnight, "I have to get some beauty sleep."

"Sleep tight beautiful," he told me before we ended our call. 

I put my phone on the sideboard plugging the charger in before I crawled under the blankets on the bed. This bed was not like the one I had at home, no other bed could be. 

My own bed was a large bed that could sleep around four people comfortably and I always kept the best quality sheets and bedding on it. Here, aunt Maria had basic bedding that made my skin itchy as I laid in it. Pulling the blanket up to my chin I tried to close my eyes and get some sleep, I had to get home soon and my planning was going to happen tomorrow. 


The road was dusty and the sun was shining brightly as I held my hand over my eyes and squinted at the person standing in the distance. Whoever it was, was looking at me. The sun reflected at something they held in their hand before I realised it was a large knife. 

They started to walk towards me and I couldn't move. It was like my feet were stuck in quicksand yet there was nothing there stopping me from moving. 

"Help!" I shouted trying to see if anyone else was around. "Anyone!" 

As the person inched closer I could finally see their face, the bright green eyes giving him away first. 

"What are you doing?" I asked before he stood directly in front of me. He stopped and looked at me, a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. "What's going on?"

I looked at the knife in his hand that he held in front of my face and saw it was dripping with blood, "There's no one to help you now."

My stomach throbbed as I put my hands on it before looking down at my hands which were soaked in my own blood. "What have you done?" The panic in my voice rose as I looked at him, my hands clutching my stomach again. "Harry?"

"It's okay, Elliott. This is for the best." As I looked at his hands they were bound by a long chain which he swiftly put around my neck, the pain in my neck growing as the chain tightened, "Please don't struggle, it will be must easier to let this happen." I felt the pain intensifying as my vision subsided. "It's okay, it'll be over soon." The words were whispered in the darkness. 

Opening my eyes I realised I was in my bed, the bed in aunt Maria's home and I was safe. Looking around the room there was no one here, no one was going to hurt me. I had to stop having these nightmares, they were slowly making me more paranoid.

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