Thirtytwo. ✂️

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The rest of the day I spent all my time in the bath, I felt so rough, I'd not felt this ill in ages. All I wanted to do was just sleep more but I just kept feeling like I needed to vomit. Crawling out of the bath I leaned over the toilet bowl and threw up more and more until I felt like there was nothing left. I had never felt this sick in my life, knowing this only made me feel worse as I looked into the sick ridden toilet bowl. 

After a couple of hours of sitting there naked and feeling sorry for myself, I pulled myself to my feet. Grabbing my unnecessarily oversized towel I wrapped it around myself before I finally left the bathroom and returned to my own room. My hands shook as I pulled on some comfy joggers and a baggy top before I crawled into my bed. 

The blankets were cold as I wrapped them around myself, my whole body shaking as I tried to get warm. All I wanted right now was to go back to sleep but I kept overthinking everything. 

Thinking that I'd slept too much already which was why I couldn't sleep. Thinking that I had thrown up so much that I had probably brought up a lung or that if I threw up again today then it was going to be blood next time. Thinking that I had been cooped up in this house too long and it was making me sick. 

As I laid there with my eyes closed my mind drifted to thoughts of Thomas. Was he really alive? Was he dead like my father had told me? If he was alive why was he doing those cruel things in that video I had been sent? Was Thomas thinking of me? Did he still care about me?

There was a quiet knock on the bedroom door, you could barely hear it, I probably only heard it because I was so quiet. I decided the best thing to do was ignore him, maybe he'd go away, maybe he'd think I was asleep and leave me alone. After a couple of minutes of silence, I heard the door creak open, I listened as I laid still. I heard footsteps in my room before the bed dipped down in front of me. 

"Are you asleep, Ell?" 

I ignored him again as I laid there snuggled in the blanket but still cold. I wondered what he actually wanted if it was important. 

As I laid there his hand touched my forehead before he moved my hair off my face tucking it behind my ear. "He really did a job on you, didn't he?" His fingers touched over the scaring on my face, "What am I doing?" He asked himself before he stopped touching me and got off the bed. I continued to listen as he walked again until the door closed. 

My breathing quickened as I finally let out a proper breath and tried to steady myself. Why the hell was he in here when I was asleep? Had he done it before? I didn't even want to think about it, right now my stomach was already churning. 


The next morning when I woke my stomach was still feeling funny, the pain in it was crazy as I laid in my bed and held my stomach and tried to sit up which made the pain worse causing me to call out. Letting out a verbal sound to indicate my pain seemed to help actually. 

I laid there and tried to ignore the pain but it was like a stabbing in my lower abdomen, turning into various positions I couldn't find a way to lie where I was comfortable. Pulling my blanket closer to my face I tried to find some comfort in being in bed but there was nothing. 

After an hour of the most intense pains, I heard a knock on my bedroom door, "Ell, are you getting up?"

"No!" I snapped as I held my blanket tighter and closer to my body as tears left my eyes as the pain got worse with each passing second. I couldn't even control my breathing to try and help the pain. 

The door creaked open and Harry walked in, he looked at me before he raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?"

"I've just got stomach ache," I managed to get out as I played down how I was feeling. 

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