Thirtyseven. 💉

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Once in the hospital, Harry carried me shouting for help until it came. I was placed on a trolley before doctors tried to wheel me away from Harry, "No," I shook my head as I grabbed his hand. "Don't leave me!" My hand was clammy as I took his cold hand but I didn't care, I wanted him close to me. 

He looked shocked, his eyes widened but he didn't let go of my hand, he was walking very fast to keep up with the fast-moving trolley as the doctors put pressure on my stomach. "You're going to be okay," he told me, his voice calm as he spoke. "You just need to-"

"Please, Harry," my words cut him off as I clutched his hand tightly, "I can't do this." I was so scared right now, I'd already lost a lot of blood and I didn't know what was going to happen to me once I was taken away from Harry, I knew I would be taken straight into surgery and that scared me the most.

"You are so brave, Ell!" Harry told me before a nurse pulled him away from me, our grip on each other no more before I was taken through a set of double doors away from him. 

I watched as he looked at me through the window, his face full of worry before the trolley I was on was turned and he was no longer in my view. It seemed like he was in my vision for a long time and even though the doctors and nurses shielded my view of him, he was all I could see, he was all I wanted to see. The pain in my stomach didn't matter any more, all I wanted to do was be with him, I wanted him here with me. I needed him, I needed him more now than ever. 

"I need him!" I shouted as I tried to get the doctor's attention, "Please, I need him." I was so scared, he was the only constant in my life, I needed to know he was going to be here when I woke up, I needed to know he was going to be here for me. 

"Miss," the one closest to me looked at me with sad eyes, "We need to get you into theatre right away."

"No!" I shook my head defiantly as I tried to sit up, "I need to see him, I need to speak to him!" 

"Please Miss, we need to get you into surgery!"

"I don't consent!" I shouted my rights, "I won't go into surgery until I've seen him." I clutched at my stomach as the pain started to get worse, "Please."

"Get him in here!" The brown haired female called as she put an IV line into my left arm. 

A nurse hurried out the room returning a few seconds later with Harry who came to my side. He took my hand as he looked at me confused, "What's going on?" He asked me, he used his other hand to push back my hair from my face. "You've got to get into surgery, right now!" His eyes were full of worry but at the same time full of anger. "Elliott, promise me."

Tears streamed from my eyes, "I can't go in there, not without telling you how I feel first." I needed to tell me, I wanted him to know now. I would regret it later if I didn't. "Harry."

"We've been over this," he told me, "You need to go into surgery." He stood up and loosened his grip on my hand. 

"No!" I snapped pulling him back to me, he came back down to my level and looked me in the eyes, "I think I'm falling in love with you. I don't want to go in there and have not told you, especially if I don't come back out." 

He stared at me a little like I was a ghost before he pulled away from me, before leaving the room. I watched upset that he didn't even acknowledge my words. I wanted to scream and shout for him to come back but I knew it wouldn't do any good. He'd already made up his mind, we would not be together and there was nothing I could do to change his mind.

If I had been left to ponder that fact I would have driven myself crazy but within a few minutes, I was put under ready to go into surgery. 


Some people will tell you that when they are under they don't dream, there is nothing, I didn't dream, I had nightmares, the kind of nightmares that make you wish that you were going to wake up any second. Everything seemed so dark and bleak but when I finally did wake up I was relieved to be awake. I was alone though, I was alone and in a side room off the ward. 

My nightmares were the stuff of my normal dreams but this time with a twist, this time I was the one who was doing all the bad stuff and I was enjoying it. I didn't want to hurt anything or anyone, not if I could help it. I didn't think I was a bad person and those were the kind of things I didn't want in my head. 

Looking around I saw a clock in the room, it was the middle of the day, the time lunchtime, the sun was blasting through the window creating a nice stream of natural light in the room. If I was here and it was daytime where was Harry? Had my father called him back? Were there some problems that I didn't know about? Had I just scared him away with what I said before I went into surgery? For crying out loud, I should have just kept my mouth shut. I had a bad habit of speaking up when I didn't need to. 

The door crashed opened and in strolled a short plump female nurse, her brown hair scraped away from her face in a sloppy bun high on her head. "Nice to see you awake, Miss Cole." She spoke, her voice sounding much too old for her young face like she'd been smoking forty fags a day. 

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Well," she came around the bed and used the controller to sit me up, "You've been sleeping for a good day, we were starting to think you there was something wrong."

"My friend," I said about Harry, "Is he still here?"

She smiled at me, "You're speaking about green eyes right?" She referred to some nickname she had conjured up. "He said he had to leave but he'd be back tonight."

I sighed as I thought about where he could be going that was so important that he wasn't here. "Did he say where he was going?"

As she looked at my vital and checked me over she spoke, "He didn't say, sorry." She adjusted the drip in my left arm before she removed the one in my right arm. "Is he your boyfriend then?"

"No," I almost choked on air. "He's just a friend, more of an acquaintance."

She chuckled, "For someone who isn't that close to you, he sure spent a lot of time worrying about you and holding your hand whilst you slept." She checked my stomach, redressing the wound. "I swear I even heard him mumbling that he feels the same way."

I watched her carefully, "Are you sure?"

"He's a keeper."

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