Fortynine. ⚰️

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H A R R Y S T Y L E S 

Terry got everything arranged almost instantly when it came to the funeral for Elliott. I suppose it was something he needed to do considering he couldn't do it for his son, Thomas. When it came to Thomas' death there was not a body to bury so this must have been some kind of comfort to him. 

Terry had requested high security, a private burial and only invited a limited number of mourners. I had been invited but not as someone to mourn, someone to keep the place secure. 

I had attended many funerals but this one was different. I could feel it in the air as I escorted Terry to the church. Only Terry, Jack and Jessica had turned up to bury this girl who was loved by many. I knew from her father that she had many friends, I guess Terry wanted to keep it to a minimum. 

The church felt empty as I sat at the back before my eyes clapped on the picture that was by the front of the church. There in full colour, a large photo of Elliott. It was obvious from the outfit that it was from her eighteenth birthday, her brown hair free flowing and her eyes wide and innocent. She looked amazing right there and there was no way she wouldn't have been happy with the chosen photograph. 

She was young, a free spirit, someone who did not deserve to be dead. She'd been broken by being brought into this life, this life that she didn't choose to be a part of, this life that had caused her death. 

Being back, being home was hard. I had been so used to being away, being with Elliott in that house. There she had been safe, there I kept her safe. Now she was dead, now she was gone. I was home and I was missing her terribly. I wished that this never happened, I should have never of got involved with this family and then I wouldn't feel this way. Elliott had made me feel things I had never felt before, she wasn't like the other girls I had met. She had spunk, she stood up to me, she wasn't a doormat, she was someone to be reckoned with. That was just it though, was.

The vicar spoke a few words about her, but he didn't know her, he was just saying what he had heard from the three people sitting in this room. Then listening to some of the words he'd said I didn't think any of the people in this room really knew her in her last several months. 

The vicar spoke about a young girl, someone full of life, someone who loved to party, loved a good time, someone always there for her friends, an innocent young girl that would do anything for her family or friends. The Elliott I had spent time with was some of that but he'd left out some vital points. She was lonely, she wasn't so innocent and she needed her family more than ever. 

I stood when they went to take the coffin from the church, her father had paid a lot of money for this, the coffin was a beautiful maple wood. Terry followed the coffin, Jessica and Jack behind him. Jessica was crying, her make up running down her face. She looked distraught, considering they had not spoken for some time she looked like she had missed Elliott and having her in her life. 

Once they were past me I followed on making sure to keep watch as I went. I knew that the next part was going to be difficult, I'd only ever been to one burial before, I was about fourteen. It was my cousin's funeral and my uncle had tried to climb in with the coffin, probably because it was his youngest child, his only son. I hoped that this one would not be quite as eventful. I knew Terry would be quite composed though, he wouldn't show weakness, not if he thought he was being watched. 

I looked on from a nearby grave as I watched the coffin being placed on the rigs by the grave. Jessica and Terry were talking, she was probably comforting him, sharing their grief with each other. Jack was standing alone looking at the coffin, his hands in the pockets of his large black overcoat. Scanning around I could see a few of the others watching on, making sure that the area was clear, that no one was around and watching this. 

"You two must have got quite close," I heard a voice in my ear, turning to look I saw Louis standing there next to me. "Why aren't you over there?"

I looked back to the small group of mourners as the vicar began to speak. "I was just there to make sure she was safe, nothing more." 

Louis shook his head, I could see it just out the corner of my eye. "You did not live in the same house with her for all that time and not become a little close, friends even."

"What does it matter now?" I asked as I put my hands into my jacket pockets. "She's dead."

He placed a hand on my right shoulder, "So, what? Something did happen?"

Looking back at him I sighed, "Nothing happened." I looked back at the scene unfolding as the coffin was lowered into the ground, Terry standing strong, Jessica looking distraught and Jack seemed to be just standing there, almost like he wasn't there. "I'm just here to do a job, I'm here to do whatever Terry tells me to do, that's it."

I felt his hand leave my shoulder as I watched Jessica throw in a single flower. I couldn't tell Louis how I really felt, he wouldn't understand, he wouldn't know what to say. We'd all had the same talk and we all knew the drill when it came to Elliott, I could not confide in him when it came to her. 

Watching the graveside I saw Jack and Jessica walk away with the vicar, Terry stayed behind looking down at the coffin. I walked away from Louis and headed towards Terry before I stood beside him. "Terry," I spoke his name in a quiet tone as I looked down at the maple coffin that had a few clumps of earth on top. Her name shining on the plack that was on top of the coffin. 

"I want whoever did this," Terry was calm as he looked down not looking at me, not turning his eye to look at me. "I want their heads on a silver platter."

I nodded. 

"She was too young to die," he confided. "She should have never got mixed up in any of this. This is all my fault, I have lost everything." I heard him sniffle, "Thomas is dead and now Elliott. I need her, I need her back." Looking up at him I could see he was looking at me, his eyes red and bloodshot, "She's my baby."

I had no words, I didn't know what to say, I didn't have any words to comfort him. 

He turned his body to me, his hands on my shoulders. "A meeting," he spoke in riddles before he closed his eyes and then opened them, his eyes were angry but behind them, they were dead like a light had gone out. "Set up a meeting, get word out, I want a meeting with Max."

My instincts told me that this was a bad idea but I wasn't going to argue with him right now, "I'll do my best."

I was jerked forward as he grabbed the collar of the jacket I was wearing, his behaviour increasingly threatening, "Set it up, Styles. There is no doing your best."

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