Thirty. 🌙

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I listened as the phone rang before I heard it click and then my father's voice, "Harry."

"Dad," I spoke his name as I turned away from Harry, walking down the corridor. "It's me."

"You shouldn't be on the phone," he told me. 

"Daddy, I want to come home." My voice was quiet, almost a whisper. "Please."

I heard him sigh, "It's not safe. You're staying there until it's the right time to come home."

"It's the right time," I tried to bargain with him. "I can't stay here."

"Put Harry on the phone!"

"No," I spoke calmly. "Dad, have you heard from Thomas?"

"Thomas is dead," he sounded so cold as he spoke. "He's gone and until everyone responsible for his death is dealt with you are not coming home."

"You're wrong," I argued. "I would know." I would know if he was dead, I would have felt it. 

"Give Harry the phone." 

I shook my head as I mumbled, "No."

"Put him on the phone right now!" He shouted, I could imagine him in my mind as he shouted at me and it scared me a little. 

Moving the phone away from my ear I held it out for Harry to take. He walked over and took the phone from my hand and put it to his ear before he turned away from me. 

Standing on the spot I refused to believe that Thomas was dead, I knew he wasn't dead. I saw the video, I knew he was alive. I needed to find him, I needed to prove to everyone he was alive. 

I looked back around at Harry, he was on the phone and my dad's voice was loud but not clear. I knew he was really laying into him about letting me call. My eyes looked at the closest door to me, we were about ten doors from the stairs leading back upstairs. 

Putting my hand on the door I pushed it open before I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door and took a deep breath as I closed my eyes allowing the darkness to surround me. When I opened my eyes I reached around before I switched the light on. Looking around the door I was surprised to find there was a swimming pool in this room, it was empty which made it creepy. Walking closer to it I looked down into the emptiness before I sat on the edge and dangled my feet into the void. 

I was going to find Thomas, one way or another I was going to find him and bring him back.

The door opened behind me, "What are you doing?" Harry's voice echoed through the empty room. 

Staring straight forward at nothing I spoke, "Wondering how to get out of here."

"You're not going anywhere."

I looked down at my dangling feet, "That's what my dad said too."

His footsteps echoed as he walked closer to me, I felt a shiver go down my spine before he stopped behind me. "I need to search your room."

My eyes widened as I thought about all the things I had in there, I didn't want him finding all the stuff I had found. I shook my head at him "I'll just give you whatever you want."

"This is not up for negotiation," he told me before he left the room. 

I raised an eyebrow before I realised he was going to look without me. Scrambling to get up I fell forward and down into the curved pool, my body tumbling down as the drugs caught up with me. 

I laid there for a second letting the pain wash over me. It couldn't have been any worse if I tried. Pushing off the floor I got to my feet and pulled myself out the empty pool before heading out of here and to my bedroom. 

By the time I arrived Harry had already emptied my drawers and wardrobe, there were items all over the floor and my bed was unmade, he was looking into the small boxes that he had on the sideboard. My eyes widened as I realised he had all the boxes I had acquired. 

He turned around and looked at me, in his hand was the knife I had found. "I would say I'm surprised but actually I'm not." He told me, "You are exactly what I expect from someone who has a father like Terry. You are just like him."

"And what about you? Considering how lovely your mother is you are exactly the opposite of what I expect!" My voice was loud as I shouted at him to get my point across. 

Launching at me with the knife in hand I felt my back smack into the wall, the knife touching the healing slash on my face, "Speak about my mother again and I'll push this through your face and give you a matching one on the other side."

My breathing was ragged as I looked down at the serrated knife before looking into his dark eyes, the green of his eyes close to me, I could see little flecks of gold and brown in them as I stared. "She would be well proud of you, threatening a woman."

"Don't," he warned as the knife poked into my skin. 

"Fuck you!" I pushed him off me, but all that achieved was him stumbling back a few steps before he grabbed me again. "Get off me!" I screamed as he pushed the knife against me again. "Get the fuck off me!" I tried to push him off, I tried to use my fists pounding them again his chest but none of this made any difference. 

"Shut up!" He snapped as his empty hand covered my mouth, "Stop fucking struggling!" I looked at him, my eyes widening in fear as he tilted his head to the side listening to something. I tried to listen but I couldn't hear anything. Slowly he removed his hand from my mouth, "Do you hear that?"

I shook my head nervously as I stood there confused. 

"That's exactly how I want it to stay," he told me making me question everything. 


"I like the silence and as of right now if you cannot keep your mouth shut I will shut it for you."

I knew from the way he was looking at me that he was being serious. I could see it in his eyes. He moved the knife away from me and turned back to the boxes that were on the sideboard before he put the knife in the box and closed it. I watched from where I stood, I didn't move my body, my hands still against the wall either side of my body where I'd put my hands up to try and defend myself. He picked up the boxes and left my room, his eyes watching me as he left. 

My heart was still beating like the clappers even after five minutes of him leaving. I didn't want to be threatened whilst I was here, this was supposed to be somewhere I was safe yet I didn't feel safe at all. All I wanted was to go home, to return to my family, to my father. That wasn't an option, there was only one other person who could make me feel safe, Thomas.

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