Fortyfive. 💰

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"You are my only daughter," my father spoke as he smiled at me. We'd been on holiday in a cute cottage in the middle of nowhere, just a few days away, me, Thomas and my father. It was nice to get away but I had noticed there were a few of the men my father worked with also out here, they seemed to be outside in the car's, almost like they were watching. "And I want to make sure you are as safe as possible."

I groaned as I looked away from him and down at my vibrating phone, "I get it, dad. You want me to be safe, blah blah blah, you want me to keep out of your business, blah blah blah, you want me to be a good girl." I looked up at him at his bemused expression. 

He shook his head, "You have your mother's stubbornness." He sighed as he smiled. "Just as you get older I realise things change for you. The feelings you have inside you change."

"Ew, dad, please can we not talk about all this stuff," I shook my head as I placed my phone in my pocket ignoring all the texts I was receiving from my friends. 

"I'm just saying," he started, "As you get older your hormones change. You become a woman and maybe you want to act on those feelings you might have."

"I'm not having sex," I said bluntly. I was fifteen, I was only fifteen and I was not thinking about any of that sort of stuff. 

He looked shocked, "I'm not saying you are."

I sighed, "Please, dad, I know all about that stuff, we don't need to have this conversation."

He rubbed his hands together in front of the fire that was lit in the room, "Okay." He looked back at me, "You might have noticed that I conduct a lot of business at home." 

Shrugging my shoulders I yawned, "Look, dad, I don't care what you do."

"Let me put it simply then," he shook his head as he straightened himself up in the chair. "There are a lot of men in the house when I am working. Do not get mixed up in my business, do not try and speak to anyone who is in the house that is there to see me. Do you understand?"

Rolling my eyes at him I nodded, "Yes, dad. I don't want nothing to do with any of it." I rubbed my hands together before blowing on them. "Trust me."

Then things had been simple, then I had been young and not got involved and now I was in the thick of it. I screamed and shouted but no one batted an eyelid at me before the announcer started to reel off facts about me, selling me to the crowd of people. 

"Here we have Elliott Cole," he spoke and suddenly before shut up and fell silent, I might have even heard some hushed whispers in the room. "That's right, Elliott Cole, the only daughter of Terry Cole." People stared at me as they realised it was true, that I really was Elliott Cole. "She's got a little damage to her right cheek but nothing that is going to be any problem." 

"I'll give you 100K for her!" Someone shouted out, an older man with grey hair. 

They everyone started shouting over each other, bids were flying in left right and centre. I tried banging on the box again but there was no escape, there was nowhere to go, I was stuck here and someone was going to be taking me home. 

I didn't hear the last bid, I just heard the announcer shouting sold before the room erupted into claps. I looked around trying to see what was happening but just like that, the curtains closed shielding me away from the crowd. Panic filled my body as I banged against the box trying to escape, desperation taking over as my mind took over. 

Shortly I was going to be leaving this place with someone else and then I would never be found ever again. I would never see my father again, I would never see Harry ever again. This was it... 


Terry looked dreadful when we met, I knew he hadn't slept at all, he hadn't eaten and knowing him he'd probably already killed a few people to try and get information but it seemed he was getting nowhere. The bags under his eyes were massive and his hair was a mess where he was not taking proper care of himself. 

"Have you heard from The Demrou's?" I referred to Max and the people who followed him as we stood outside of the old safe house using this as a base knowing this was the closest place from where Elliott was taken. 

Terry shook his head as he looked around, "I've heard small whispers through the grapevine but nothing concrete."

I looked around and bit my lip if no one was talking either they were too scared or no one knew anything. "I have reached out to a few old friends, hopefully, someone will return with some information."

"I don't know anymore," Terry confided. "I'm not as highly regarded as I used to be. People don't care about other people's families anymore and this is just business."

His words rang true, people did not scare like they used to, with the Demrou's taking out all those people just to get Elliott out of the hospital everyone had been sent a message - nothing or no one will get in their way to get what they want. This was not a job that could be done alone, in order to get Elliott home we'd all need to work together and fast. 

"We need to call a meeting," I informed Terry as we walked towards the cars that we'd arrived in. "Where ever they have taken her it's going to be a long way from here, I think we should call everyone, get them back to Granston," I referred to Terry's home name. "There we can formulate a plan to get her home because we are all going to need to work together."

Terry looked at me, his eyes were angry but his face had a look of understanding, "You're right." Terry rubbed his temples, "Sending everyone away in small groups was a rash decision, we haven't even thought about any of this. I have no idea where the best place to start looking is right now."

Opening my car door I sighed as I looked back at Terry, "We will get her home." 

As I got into the car Terry's hand stopped me from closing the door before he looked down at me, his face unreadable. "Styles," he spoke as he looked like he was struggling with the words, maybe he didn't have the right words, maybe he was nervous. "My daughter," he stopped for a moment, "What happened between you two? Why do you care so much?"

What did happen between us two? Not a lot, not enough for me to be like this but she confessed her love for me and strangely, I felt it too. There is no one else in this world I would do this for, not off my own back anyway. "Spending all that time together, we became friends."

Terry nodded although he looked unconvinced. "Thank you." If he didn't believe me he didn't say otherwise, now isn't the time for arguing though, now is the time to get his daugher home, safe and sound.

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