Twentythree. 🌰

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By the end of the first seven days with Harry, every day was blurring into one. We did the same thing every day, get up, drive, argue, drive, argue, find a hotel, sleep, argue and drive more. I wanted more than this and right now I was getting techier with every minute that passed. 

He had promised me that we'd be arriving at the safe house this evening, but when it came to Harry's timeline of the evening it could be any time between four in the afternoon and four in the morning. Right now we were in a different car, he'd been stealing a new car every other day so we could move around undetected. At least this car had all its windows but it was still silent as Harry refused to allow me to put the radio on. 

"Can we please listen to something?" I asked as I leaned back in the chair and looked at the radio system that was begging to be played. 

Harry sent a glare my way before he looked back at the road, "No."

"When we get to this place, can I ring my dad?" 

I looked at him patiently after asking in a calm voice, I hoped he would allow me to, since leaving I hadn't spoken to my father and if Harry had he hadn't told me. His eyes focused on the road, I watched as he opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. Maybe he was going to say something, maybe he just couldn't find the right words.

"Has he heard about Thomas?" I asked another question since I wasn't getting an answer to the first question. 

Watching him still his grip was tightening on the steering wheel, I could tell because the colour was draining from his knuckles. I wished he could tell me something yet I was afraid I already knew the horrible answer, I guess I just wanted to hear the words. I needed to know for sure if he was alive or dead, being in limbo was the worst feeling. 

Harry continued to ignore me, maybe he wasn't ignoring me just finding it difficult to find the words. I turned away from him, my eyes looking out the window at the passing world before I snuck another glance at Harry. 

I think I was spending too much time being in his presence. I was growing used to him being there like I just expected him to be there when I went to bed and there when I woke up. When I was asleep he was also with me, haunting my dreams. I hated it, I definitely needed to see someone else from time to time, speak to someone at least. 

During the week we'd spent together he hadn't shaved, his stubble almost becoming to that stupid point where it's too long to be stubble but too short to be anything else. His hair had also grown, it was obviously longer than when we had left my home. 

Actually, I was surprised that during this week he hadn't tried to murder me considering how annoying I had been almost every day, I guess he had more self-control than I did. What I really wanted to do was put my hands around his throat, I wanted him to feel the pain I was feeling inside and through my body, as I thought about everything, about Thomas, about Zayn and the actual throbbing pain through my face. 

Reaching for the small sun visor I yanked it down before opening the mirror to look at myself. I had been waiting for ages to get this metal out of my face, I couldn't wait much longer. I swear the skin was almost growing around it and that was winding me up. The bruising had faded not but the redness was still inflamed and angry, I knew that once this was settled it was going to be bad.

Using my nails I grabbed hold of the one closest to my jaw, the one that I had tried to remove before. I wiggled it as I let out a hiss at the pain it was causing. 

"Leave it alone," Harry told me. I glanced at him but he wasn't even looking at me, he was looking at the road, his words obviously directed at me but his attention on driving. "I'll remove them for you tonight."

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