Chapter 53

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As I drove through Hollywood to get to my hotel, I didn't care about the scenery. The Hollywood sign was just pieces of scrap metal up on a hill to me. The Chinese Theater was just a building with vandalized sidewalks in front of it. The stars of actors, actresses and singers were dumb pictures on the ground.

When I arrived at my hotel, I immediately checked in and went to my room. I regretted telling Marlon where I would be staying, and prayed he wouldn't come to bother me.

I sat in my room alone, thinking about what just happened. I was all alone in a state that I didn't know, and contemplated going home.

I spent hours in that room, wasting time away.  I shut the blinds and wouldn't allow the sun in. I ordered room service and ate my feelings. I didn't have enough money to call Helen or Doris or Betty. I was alone.

There was a knock at my door, and I locked the chain in place, then opened the door a crack. Of course, it was Marlon. This time he was able to get his pants on.

"How hard is it to get it through your head that I don't want you?" I asked and he pierced his pink lips together.

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness... and I'm not propositioning you or something." Marlon lifted his hand.

"I just... I thought about this all." He said smoothly. "And hear me out—"

"I'm listening." I said with risen eyebrows. He nodded.

"I know I'm not the perfect guy, not even close. But at least let me show you a good time in this town. At least let me take you out." Marlon asked.

I thought for a moment, then began shutting the door over him. He placed his hand on the door and held it open.

"Patricia, you're in Hollywood. Who knows when you'll come back? Let me at least try to make it up to you in some way." Marlon insisted. I removed the chain from the door and opened it.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked in a monotone voice.

We went to this little bar in LA, it wasn't anything special. We sat down at the bar and he ordered us drinks. He wore a t-shirt and a basic open button up sweater over it. He was in slacks and leather shoes.

I changed into a dress that had one strap that touched each shoulder, cinched the waist and flowed by the legs. I sat with my shoulders back with my bullet bra on, that had just come into style around that time.

He rose his glass. "To being in each other's lives, one way or another."

I rose my as slightly, then sipped my drink. I looked at him in the corner of my eye, then behind him.

A strawberry blonde girl looked at the back of his head, she squinted. She sat only 2-3 bar stools down, but didn't say a word. She stared blatantly, and I rolled my eyes.

"I think that doll knows you." I announced to him, and he cocked his head to the side.

Suddenly, he put bag on his swagger. "You know, maybe she recognizes me, she possibly saw The Men." Marlon said with a cool attitude. He turned around, and shouted out as if he recognized her. She hopped off of her bar stool with a smile. Next thing I knew, she made her way over.

"I haven't seen you in weeks." She smiled at him as she stood in front of his barstool. His back was still turned to me as he faced her.

"I've been busy, here and there." Marlon told her. Trust me I knew he was busy.

"Well, how has it been?" She asked with risen eyebrows. Her smile was electric, and her strawberry blonde hair managed to glow under the dim light fixtures.

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