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Hey everyone! I know my last book took forever to complete and for that I apologise, for this one I'm come a little more prepared.

I hope to have a new Chapter up every week and please don't leave any hateful comments show me all the love you're capable of.

I really hope you guys like it!

And please do Vote! Comment! And Share!

Give me feed back on how you think I could improve the book!

Also some of you guys have been asking why I took down my first book. It needed major editing and there were a lot of plot holes. I just wasn't happy with how the story was turning out. But don't worry I'll have it back up as soon as it goes through MAJOR editing.

Now.... let's begin ;-)

'You really impressed me today." he says pacing back and forth in front of me.

"Thank you sir." I say standing at attention my chin up but fear building up inside me.

"Who else knows?" He says stopping suddenly and facing his back to me.

"Just you, my mother and brother." I say gulping.

"Good, and i would like to keep it that way."
"I need you to tell me everything."


Living in a world where fairies, dragons and other mystical creature exist together with humans, Alex is her family's only hope. When a war wages between the two worlds she steps into the shoes of her dead father to try and provide for the family by fighting for the humans.

But she's got a dangerous secret she needs to keep. And what happens when the person hell bent on winning this war finds out?


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