Chapter 35

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"All the people

Who knock me down

Only inspire me to do better"

~Selena Gomez


Third Person's P.O.V

The whole forest rang with her screams as she stared at his body lying in a pool of blood. His life force slowly fading away.

Alex slowly turned to face the Dark Magix left in the clearing.

Her hands were shaking, her head bent down but she was as no longer screaming.

The forest was deathly quiet, the echoes of her screams still resonating in the background.

"I warned y-", the warlock started to say, but abruptly stopped.

Alex's raised her head slowly, looking straight at him. Her eyes burning a deep red, the same as her wings at the moment.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to her.

Ben looked at her with worry. He knew about her past. Nathan had briefed him about that.

But he didn't know she was a part of The Magix. It didn't change his opinion of her, but the revelation today came as a shock to him.

Now as he looked at her, her wings and eyes blazing red he couldn't help but be worried about her.

He looked over at George's body that was some way behind her. It made him nauseous, but being in the army he had seen many of his friends die before.

This was the first time Alex was losing one of her friends.

He was sure that Nathan knew about Alex's powers. But Nathan needed to be here. Ben didn't know if he could bring her back from all that anger.

Although his best friend and the girl infront of him wouldn't admit it, they had some type of a connection. And Ben knew Nathan could bring her back.

The Magix in the clearing had forgotten totally about Ben. Slipping into the shadows of the trees he attempts to send a signal to Nathan.

"I would tell you to run but then I wouldn't have the pleasure of ripping you apart limb from limb.", Alex says, addressing the warlock, her voice low and hoarse.

"Lycus, Mati attack.", The warlock says, his voice shaking slightly.

The Werewolf and Cyclops hesitate at the order not wanting to approach Alex.

"Attack now!", The warlock yells at them his voice dripping with desperation.

At the order the Werewolf and Cyclops charge.

With a flick of her hand she engulfs them in a ball of fire.

Anger coursing through her veins, her eyes and wings appear as if they're on fire.

She starts moving the walls of the ball of fire closer and closer. The satisfaction shows on her face, at the screams and yells of pain coming from inside.

Tossing the ball of fire out over the sea in the range of the weapons, she turns to face the warlock.

In the background the weapon goes off, and the screams of the Werewolf and Cyclops are silenced.

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