Chapter 12

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"Everything has beauty

But not everyone 

Sees it"

                                                                 ~Jennifer Lawrence 


Alex's P.O.V

I stare at my opponent, taking in his build and stance. He was very muscular and towered over me at an impressive 6'3. The previous two rounds were good, but I needed this last round to be amazing to ensure that I win. Right now I had no idea what the score was like and it could be anyone's game. Sweat dripping down my forehead, I gasp for air as I try to get my breathing back to normal. 

"And the final round begins in,"

Breathe Alex.


You can take this guy no problem.


Fists up. Weapon in easy access.


Let's go.

*12 hours earlier*

Changing into my chosen outfit for the day I glace at my appearance in the mirror. The contest was starting in half an hour and I had to be there in the next fifteen minutes.

I was wearing my usual boots, black cargo pants that I borrowed from my brother, a loose black V-neck shirt over a black tank top and finally a fitting black and white zip up jacket with a hood. I had also decided to carry a mask but I wouldn't wear that till the final event. 

I had cut my hair to a length a little above my shoulders and had slicked it back with gel, so it didn't seem that long. My dagger was concealed in one of the many pockets in my jacket.

The most difficult thing about disguising myself was the certain physical aspects that were the obvious differences between me and a man. So for good measure I wrapped up chest with a cotton crepe bandage.

The sun was just rising over the horizon and I was glad for it. The darker it was the easier it would be for me to get to city hall.

As I walked over to the city hall, where all the contestants were asked to assemble my heart was beating frantically. Every familiar person I passed, I was sure they would recognise me. Because of the contest there were more people around than there would usually be at this time, so the whole way to city hall I kept my head down and hood up, avoiding eye contact with everyone. 

As soon as reached there I saw the place where we were supposed to sign in our names and report. I walked over to the desk quickly, since no one was there at that moment and signed in. I took in all the names before me and noted that I was probably the last of the people to sign in. Clutching the pen I write the name that I was going to be using for the day. 

Holden Harlow.

The safest and most efficient way to participate. I told my mother and brother what I was going to do but none of their protests or objections could stop me from participating. All I needed them to do was stay at home and stay out of sight. Especially Holden. 

After signing in I moved to stand at the back of the crowd and see if anyone I knew was participating. I could see a lot of familiar people from school, especially some of my friends. My eyes continue to scan the crowd and I see quite a few people sporting jackets with their hoods up. I let out a sigh of relief that I'm not the only one, because that would have definitely drawn some attention to me.

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