Chapter 8

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"Never try to be someone else's

Definition of Beautiful,

You have to define Beautiful

For Yourself."



Alex's P.O.V

He's alright, he's definitely alright. I mean, he's my dad! He has to be.

I repeated this over and over again in my head, but I don't think I was fooling myself into not freaking out. Taking a deep breath I head over to where my brother was standing to see if he figured it out. 

Fortunately he was laughing and talking with a couple of his friends from school and didn't seem worried about a thing. At the sight of his carefree laugh I let out a deep breath trying to calm myself down before heading back to where Luke and Jace were.

Calm down Alex. Your brother's not freaking out so why should you? Stop overthinking things!

When I reached back to our table I sat down and tried to push any negative thoughts I was having out of my mind. I always over think things and I wasn't going to ruin tonight doing that.

"Ladies and gentlemen, grab your partner and move to the dance floor. The first dance will be commencing shortly.", the emcee announced from his place on stage.

"Hey Alex, wanna dance with me this year instead.", Luke says leaning over so that I could hear him clearly over the music and chatter of people.

"Huh?", I ask turning to him and blinking a couple of time.

"I mean I know you dance with Jace every year, but this year I'm a free man and I thought it would be funny to watch all the girls crowd around Jace trying to get a dance with him.", Luke says smirking.

"That would be pretty hilarious, considering how much he hates it when the girls throw themselves at him.", I say smiling at the thought of it.

"Alright, let's go.", I say grabbing Luke's hand and dragging him to the dance floor.

"I knew you would see the beauty of my plan.", Luke says smirking as we take our places.

"Are we terrible friends for doing this?", I say still smiling when I see Jace frantically look around for us, as all of a sudden girls swarm around him by the dozen.

"Not terrible friends, although, I'm pretty sure we'll be dead friends soon.", he said and I looked towards Jace again to see him narrowing his eyes at us.

I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing out loud and making a fool of myself. I look over at Luke to see him smirking, his eyes twinkling with laughter. Just then the music starts and Luke takes my hand as we move on the dance floor to the familiar music. 

I could see Jace dancing with Clarissa, she looked pretty smug while he looked like he wanted to kill himself. As I let Luke slowly guide me on the dance floor I allowed my eyes to wander over the entire hall.

Everywhere I looked on the dance floor I saw everyone doing the exact same dance, the dance we were all taught in school. According to our teachers it was important that all members of the community in the Regalia knew this dance and a few others. 'Social Etiquette' they called it.

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