Chapter 18

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"Never get tired of trying,

And never think it is impossible,

To conquer your faults."

                                                                      ~Louisa May Alcott;
   Taken from Little Women.


Alex's P.O.V

Everything around me had never been so silent. I was still reeling from my dad's death, but then to find out that he wasn't even my real dad, that I never even knew my real parents, that my whole life was a lie. I didn't even know if my real parents were dead or alive. 

Looking up at the woman standing in front of me I knew she would have some answers. No Magix ever gave their kids to the humans. So either my story is known throughout the entire population of the Magix or the matter was never spoken of ever.

"It's dangerous here.", she says looking around apparently seeing things I didn't.

"Come with me. It's not that far.", she said holding out her hand.

I stand up and take her hand, she pulls me in the direction I saw her go the previous time. Once we leave the clearing she really picks up the pace. We're walking so fast we're almost running. Everything passes by me in almost a blur and before I know we're both passing through this moss curtain and into the biggest cave I've ever seen. 

Once we enter the cave she lets go of my hand, the abrupt stop in our pace making me feel a little nauseous, I put my hand out to lean against the wall breathing deeply. 

"You're a witch aren't you?", I say after getting back to normal.

"You've done your research I see, but please call me Ria", she says smiling and gesturing to a seat on the table where she was sitting.

"Yeah, well I've always been interested in knowing about the Magix.", I murmur, moving to sit.

"I know you must have a lot of questions.", she says pouring me a glass of water.

I nod, taking the glass from her feeling a little comfortable having something to do with my hands. 

"From the letter I kind of figure I'm a witch?", I say not looking up at her, staring intently at the glass of water.

"True but...", she says slowly.

When I don't get any response from her I glance up at her to see her still studying me intently.

"You know what? Let me tell you everything I know, hopefully that will answer any more questions you have.",she says directing a small smile to me.

Taking a deep breath she begins to tell me everything.

"I knew Colvin for a long time and I knew of his entanglement with the humans. Although it was and still is illegal, a majority of the Magix were optimistic about the outcomes of his friendship with your father. Everyone just wanted the war over and done with. And for a while because of all the positive thoughts and feelings from their friendship, the fairies and the witches were able to extend these feelings to the humans. It's callled influence and because of the influence everything was subsiding.

The war would have-should have, ended but then everything just went wrong. It all started with an attack on the fairies living near the battlefield, they just assumed it was the humans and the fairies refused to use their powers of influence to end the war. A lot of them lost their loved ones and their urge for vengeance was stronger than their desire for peace.

At the same time I was working with Colvin to try and stop the Dark Magix, there was a small group us working towards this. One night when we were all deep in their territory one of our people were captured. The lady that was captured was Victoria, your mom." she says pausing to look at me.

A small gasp leaves my lips but I don't want to ask the question that's on the tip of my tongue.

Is she still alive?

"It was all planned and we should have seen it coming.", she adds bitterly, continuing the story. 

"Victoria was the strongest witch ever. The person commanding the forces of Dark Magix is a fairy, Cathal (pronounced ka-hal), after capturing your mother he charmed her so that she would give birth to his child. Then there would be a child who was both a witch and fairy, that was more powerful than either of them, more powerful than every other creature. And if he could raise the child to obey his every order he knew he would have power over both, the Magix and the humans. Your mom knew this and she knew she had to escape. But Cathal was aware of this, so the security around your mother was always the best he had. 

She knew if she used all her power and fought she would be able to escape from his headquarters but she didn't know if that would harm the child. And although you were a complete surprise to her and Cathal was the father, she loved you with all her heart. So she mustered just enough power to send a message through to us undetected. We did as she instructed and we managed to get her away. 

For nine months we hid her, and because you were so powerful, the waves of power radiating off of her could be easily traced by anyone in allegiance with the Dark. So we all used our own magic to mask your power. Cathal used this time when we were in hiding to recruit more and more of the Magix to his side. His anger at having his plan fail knew no bounds. And he influenced a lot of the Magix to help him."

"What about my mother couldn't she also influence people to join your side?"

"She could, but influence only works if the people are already feeling that particular emotion. If you want to influence someone into an emotion that they aren't feeling it requires a lot more power. And at the time there was a lot of despair and hopelessness and Cathal just fed off those emotions and turned them into feelings of anger and aggression. After he got a majority of the Magix under his control he was strong enough to come and find you. So your mother and Colvin took you to James. They put a spell on you so your eyes wouldn't change colour. Being around the humans would mask your power and you would appear more like them. After that we all just dispersed, Colvin and Victoria have not been heard from since but I was placed as guardian to watch for any danger."

"So now that I'm 18, and the spell has worn off, will he be able to find me?", I ask slowly.

"Your power will be masked as long as you're with humans but your eye colour is something you will have to use your own power to disguise. Don't worry it won't start changing for a day or two so you have time to learn."

Then there is a long silence broken only by the chirping of the crickets and birds outside the cave. I stare at the wood of the table running over everything I just heard, the information distracting me from the grief.

"I need to head back.", I whisper my voice cracking slightly.

"I need to bury my father and be there for my family.", I continue still not looking up at her.

"I understand.", she whispers back her voice soothing filled with compassion.

Looking up at her I smile, get up and head for the exit. Just as I'm about to push back the vines I turn back to her, only to find her already looking at me.

"Can we meet tonight then? I need to learn to control these powers."

"Of course Alex."

"See you then."


Hey Guys!

Hope you like the new chapter!

Show me all your love in the comments!

I love you all!!!! 



Colvin- Gaelic name meaning  a great hero.

Cathal- Gaelic name meaning strong in battle.

Victoria- Latin origin meaning victory.

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