Chapter 27

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"Never give up

Because you never know

What the tide will bring in

The next day"

~Tom Hanks


Alex's P.O.V

"It only been a couple of hours, give her some time. Maybe a day or two.", I could hear two voices talking in hushed tones a little distance away from me.

I wanted to move, to wake up but it's like my body would not co-operate with my mind. My body hurt all over, my throat was parched and my tongue felt like sandpaper. Then the events that took place came to my mind.

The attack. My leg. Oliver. And Nate.

I forced my eyes open and tried to get a bearing of my surroundings. There were white curtains all around my bed, there was a lamp beyond the curtains which was my only source of light.

I tried to open my mouth and speak but my tongue was still as dry as the Desert of the Lost, so all that came out was a soft whimper.

The noise I made must have been louder than I thought it was because the next thing I knew one of the curtains was ripped wide open, the light from the outside shining brightly into my eyes.

I wince at the bright light and turn my face away from whoever had entered.

"Alex.", I hear Nate's voice from behind me.

He sounded thoroughly exhausted and worried. I heard him draw the curtain and the light from outside dimmed again.

Once I knew the curtain was shut, I turn to face him. The makeshift room I was in was pretty dim but I could see his face pretty well.

There were bags under his eyes and I could see the worry in his eyes as he studied me. I wanted to comfort him tell him I was alright but I don't know if I want him to hear my voice right now.

"I told you to get that wound checked out.", He says softly glancing down at where my wound was.

"I black out and that's all you have to say?", I manage to croak out raising an eyebrow.

He frowns slightly and then walks out of the room without a word. Confused at what just happened I slowly try and move myself into a sitting position, wincing when I put pressure on my palms.

As soon as I settle into a comfortable position Nate stalks back in, a pitcher and cup in his hands.

He places them down beside me and moves to stand in the corner. I give him a grateful smile but he just narrows his eyes at me. I roll my eyes at him and pour myself a cup of water.

"You know, you wouldn't have blacked out if you had just listened to me.", He says glaring at me, although his tone of voice was still soft.

"Well, my bunk mates needed me and I wasn't about to let a small cut stand in the way.", I say after gulping down the water.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?", He says moving to sit on the edge of my bed, looking right into my eyes.

"I don't mean to be.", I say softly moving so that my knees were almost touching my chest.

"I know.", He mutters looking away.

We both sit in silence for a while, everything around us was eerily quiet.

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