Chapter 5

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"Whether you believe in order or chaos,

 in the end it's the same, 

we're either in control of our lives,

or merely think we are."

                                                                                                      ~ Jughead Jones; Taken from Riverdale


Alex's P.O.V

"Alex dear, why don't you go try on this gown. I'm sure it'll suit you beautifully.", my grandmother says handing me the gown and continuing to rummage through the rack of clothes.

I take one look at the neon pink monstrosity in my arms grimace and make my way to the changing room.

I quickly find one that's not in use and slip into it, locking the door behind me. I sigh and place the dress on the small table in the dressing room and get to removing my clothes. 

I honestly don't hate my grandparents and neither do my parents. If it was up to them they would have never kicked my parents out but the city council refused to have such a 'disgrace' living in The Regalia. 

I look at my reflection in the mirror and I hate the gown already, I'm sure lots of girls would kill to wear this, but it just wasn't me. It's the ugliest most uncomfortable thing I've ever seen or worn. As quickly as I had put it on, I got out of it and back into my usual clothes.

I head back over to where I could see my grandmother. She finally sees me and then sees the dress in my hands.

"What's the matter with the dress Alex?" she says worried.

"It doesn't fit me well Gran." I say smiling apologetically.

"It's alright. I'll find something for you." She says turning back to the rack.

"Uh... Gran." I say hesitantly.

"Yes Alex." she says still not looking at me but continues to look through the dress rack.

"If it's alright with you, I would prefer if I could choose my dress? You could help Holden go buy what he's wearing." I say a hesitant smile on my face.

"Sure thing honey. I'm sorry, but sometimes I forget what its like to be your age." she says smiling back at me. "And anyways Holden's looking a bit out of place in here." she adds chuckling.

"I'll come check with you first before buying anything, alright?" I say smiling at her.

"Of course honey." She says moving towards Holden.

After she leaves I take a deep breath and get to work. The entire store is filled with girls from my school. One of the other reasons I didn't want Gran to be here was just in case any of them confronted me or decided that they were bored and wanted some entertainment by tormenting me and I didn't want her to witness any of it.

With Holden she would have an easier time. Everyone liked him and since they were in the men's section all of the boys respected him and they respected me, so she wouldn't have to deal with all the cattiness and pettiness these girls displayed on occasion. 

I took one glance at the rack of clothes that Gran was going through and immediately knew I would never wear a single one of those dresses.

I head over to the another rack that did not have many girls going through it like starved wild animals that have finally discovered food.

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