Chapter 17

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"Think like a queen.

 A queen is not afraid to fail. 

Failure is another stepping stone to greatness."

                                                                         ~Oprah Winfrey


Alex's P.O.V

My dear Alex,

I want to start out by saying I love you so much and I'm sorry for all that I couldn't do for you over these past years. I'm sorry I couldn't be the father you deserve, because you deserve so much. You deserved to be a normal girl, live your life without worrying about how to keep the house running or how to get food on the table.

You deserve to be free to act how you wish, without fear of being caught by the authorities. You are so beautiful, smart and so very strong. You did what I failed to do, serve my family.

I have to apologise for so many more things but the most important thing I have to apologise for is what I'm about to tell you.

Your mother and I wanted to wait for the right moment to tell you this together, but with all that has happened and with all that's about to happen you need to know.

On the night of 10th June, a year after your mother and I had been married we had a visitor. We still lived in The Regalia back then. The visitor was a lady, almost your mothers age but she looked frantic, scared and lost. Behind her was my best friend-Colvin- with a bundle in his hands constantly watching his back, his eyes darting everywhere, panic written all over his face. The night was pitch black and the only light we could see by was our porch light, the moon and stars nowhere to be seen 

As soon as we opened the door, we ushered them in. They were both shivering, even though it was the middle of the summer. It was a while before he began to tell us anything but as the story unfolded we couldn't believe what we were hearing. 

Apparently there were a lot of problems between all the creatures of the Magix, besides the war they had problems internally. In the midst of that the lady had a child.  The child was born in conflict and possessed great power. If any of the dark Magix knew she had a daughter, the child would be in grave danger.

The lady still hadn't said anything yet. To this day I do not know her name nor do we know who the father is, but I'll forever thank her for the greatest gift she ever gave us. 


I'll never forget the moment Colvin placed you in my arms. It was the happiest moment of my life, I fell in love with you in an instant. They couldn't stay very long but before departing Colvin and the lady put a spell on you so that you would appear as a regular human. 

That is why your eyes are bright blue. They could conceal the changing colour of your eyes but only to a particular extent. They told us that the spell would only last for so long and would be broken on your 18th birthday.

You are a part of the Magix. All those years I spent training you was so that one day if I wasn't around you would be able to defend yourself. 

I believe you have sufficient physical training to help you but now you need to learn to control your powers. I know you will learn in time and that control over something is everything to you. I realise patience is not one of you strong suits but you have to learn to practise patience

I have a feeling that you are destined for greatness and will do wondrous things. 

You have already accomplished so much in your life Alex, all you need to remember is if you're ever feeling like giving up or if the fight in you has died just think of me, I'll always be with you in your thoughts and in your heart.

I'm so sorry I couldn't tell this to you in person and that I didn't have enough life in me to help you through this phase in your life.

I love you my dear sweet Alex, and I'm sorry for every thing that has happened and that's about to happen.

Don't ever be anyone but yourself, you've always been and always will be enough.


.      .      .   

Looking up I see the lady standing in front of me her eyes analysing me. When her eyes finally meet mine they widen. She remains silent for what seems like forever her eyes prodding me to ask the question I want to.

Looking away I swallow trying to collect my thoughts. I glance at her once again and look back to the lake taking a deep breath I turn to her my gaze determined.

"I need you to tell me everything."


Hey Guys!

Hope you like the new chapter!

It's a little shorter I know but I wanted to give importance to the letter!

Show me all your love in the comments!

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I Love You all! *MUAH muahhhhh MUAHHHH*



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