Chapter 37

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"I just feel like women,

They have minds and they have souls,

As well as just hearts.

And they've got ambition and talent,

As well as just beauty.

And I'm so sick of people saying

That love is all a woman is fit for."

~Saoirse Ronan;
Taken from Little Women.


Alex's P.O.V

"Fayola? Ria? What are you doing here?", I ask, walking into Nate's Bunk.

I notice both Ria and Fayola studying me warily as though I would explode at any second. I was about to comment on it, but Fayola is the one to break the silence.

"We don't have much time to spare. Ria has a force field around the camp that's hiding our presence."

"Alright then, I'll get straight to it. What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?", I ask narrowing my eyes at them.

"We heard about what happened last night.", Fayola says cautiously, her eyes flicking to Nate and Ben.

"They know about me. Just tell me what's wrong.", I say.

"You almost burnt out last night.", Ria says sternly

"Fairies and Witches no matter how strong they are only have a certain amount of a power source in them. Once they use that up-", she hesitates.

"What happens?", Nate asks slowly glancing at me.

"Well, they could permanently burn out their powers or in some cases die.", Fayola says looking out the window.

My thoughts involuntarily go back to last night. Vivid images flashing in my mind.

"Also-", Fayola starts but hesitates looking at Ria.

"What?", Nate asks impatiently.

"It's alright Fayola. You need to tell them. They shouldn't be kept in the dark.", Ria says nodding at Fayola.

"Alright, so Cathal sent the Magix that attacked you guys yesterday. It wasn't a random attack. He wants to attack the camp as much as possible so he can figure out which of the Magix is helping you."

"I kind of already figured out Cathal sent them. But has he figured out who it is?", I ask crossing my arms and leaning against Nate's desk.

"No he hasn't, but the fact that three of his people are dead- he's angry Alex. Beyond angry, he doesn't like to lose and he's counting what happened last night as a loss.", Fayola says and you could see that she was scared of what Cathal could do.

On the other hand I was furious.

"The son of a Kraken is angry?", I ask my voice low, and my jaw clenched.

"Alex.", Nate says his tone a clear indication for me not to lose my temper.

"I'm sorry Nate, but he's angry? He sent those Magix to attack us! And George is dead because of that!", I say almost yelling.

"What if I wasn't with Ben and George? What if you didn't decide to send me? Huh? What then? Would we also have to bury Ben in that case?", I yell looking at all of them.

"Alex!", I hear Ria yelling from my side, her tone harsh, causing me to look in her eyes.

"Cessabit!", she orders her eyes a blazing blue.

In an instant, I feel waves of tranquility flow over my body and that's when I noticed that the tips of my fingers were on fire.

"What just happened?", I ask slowly.

"You're powers are getting stronger and you haven't had any training to control them.", Ria says studying me with a worried expression.

"Wait- what does that mean exactly?", Ben asks, looking totally confused.

"Fairy magic and Witch magic is closely related to emotions. When we train young witches and fairies we tend to tell them not to link their powers to any negative emotions.", Ria explains.

"Alex hasn't had any training for that yet. And because of what happened last night I think the link to her powers and the feeling of anger is growing stronger." , Fayola continues.

"So is that bad?", Nate asks.

"Not yet, although we have to train Alex to refocus the source of her powers.", Ria says glancing at Fayola and then me.

"Okay, let's do it soon then.", I say taking a step forward.

"We can't right now.", Fayola says hesitantly, her eyes constantly flicking to Ria.

"Why not?", Ben asks his tone hard.

"The force field is dying, we have to go now.", Fayola answers in an equally hard tone, glaring at Ben.

"If I find that you're keeping anything from us-", Ben starts taking a step towards Fayola.

"Okay.", I say cutting him off to try and diffuse the situation, causing everyone to look at me.

"Go. Just get in touch with me as soon.", I say nodding at them.

Nodding back at me they quickly exit Nate's Bunk.

"We have to figure something out, especially if they're going to keep attacking The Bridge.", Nate says leaning back against the wall.

"We'll have to tell them.", I say softly, not looking at either of them.

There was a pause as if neither of them knew what to say.

"Ben, give us a minute.", Nate says finally.

"Sure thing.", Ben replies and I hear the Bunk door open and then shut.

"Are you sure?", Nate asks causing me to look at him.

"We have to. If they're fighting for something they should know what it is. What I am.", I say biting my lip in thought.

"Alright, I understand what you mean, but I think for your safety we shouldn't. The more people that know, the more chance there is the Magix will figure it out.", He says.

"Then what should we do?", I ask leaning back against the desk.

"As of now, just keep everyone on high alert. And hopefully have Ben finish his weapon in time.", Nate says grimly.

Feels like a storm is heading this way.


Hey guys!!

Hope you like the new chapter!

Don't really have much to say at this point so I'll leave you to it!

Love you guys!!



Cessabit- Latin word meaning Calm.

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