Chapter 3

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"The greatest risk any of us will take

 is to be seen as we are."



Credits to ConchitaDias for designing the map! I love ittt!! It looks amazingggg! <3

Alex's P.O.V

It was the summer of 3131, everything was as normal as it could be. Then came the stealth attack.

For a long time there had been an ongoing war between the North of the lands and the South. The only continent in the whole world other than Antarctica. And this stealth attack was just the beginning of the end.

From what is taught in school all the continents of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, North and South America came together and formed a single large continent which they at the time named Enotita which in Greek translated to unity.

This entire land of Enotita was divided into North and South  which in turn was ruled by its respective leaders. 

After the stealth attack from the South on the North which may have lead to a lot of damage, but was not that extreme, the North decided to retaliate.

The leaders decided to test a particular bomb they had been working on, whose force far surpassed the force of both the nuclear and thermo nuclear bomb. 

What they didn't know was that, the strength of that bomb was much greater than they could have ever imagined. Unknown to them the force required to fire the bomb would be so immense they would not live to see their 'triumph'  over the South.

So as soon as they fired the bomb the force was so great that it triggered all the bombs and other firearms stored in the near located buildings killing everyone within a 1000 mile radius.

On the other side as soon as the bomb struck it wiped out all signs of life for at least a 4000 mile radius. The debris, smoke and force of the blast was felt and seen over a much larger region, but all the people beyond those 4000 miles survived.

Now here's where the twist comes in, out of the total population that was left about half were not effected by either explosion at all. Except for the cloudy skies and the sudden loss of electricity and internet they did not feel anything of the explosions.

On the other hand the other half were the people that felt the second explosion. These were the people that were effected.

Their bodies and tissues were exposed to a certain chemical in the bomb causing them to mutate. These mutations were unlike anything ever seen before and it changed everything forever. 

All of a sudden the world had mermaids and mermen, witches and warlocks, werewolves, vampires, fairy folk, pixies, gnomes, leprechauns, centaurs, satyrs and so many more.

The bomb not only affected the human race but also the animals.

Birds mutated to hippogriffs and griffins, horses to pegasi and unicorns, snakes and lizards to dragons and so many other creatures that you couldn't even begin to describe. Th-

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