Chapter 23

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"Gratitude is the key to Happiness,

If you have a healthy

Understanding of gratitude,

You can never lose."

~Chris Evans


Alex's P.O.V

As we walked deeper into the forest I took my time to observe Fayola. There was no doubt about it that she was very beautiful. Her skin a radiant chocolate brown and her hair a dark brown almost black, cascade of curls.

She navigated through the forest with grace and ease, her tall slender figure weaving through the trees. Her wings although quite big, never got in her way.

They were almost transparent but shimmery, and if I were human I wouldn't have been able to see them in the dark, but magic provided me with fantastic night vision. Unlike mine, her wings were a light purple almost lilac in colour.

"Can't you hide your wings like I do?", I ask after a long silence.

She quickly glanced back at me an understanding smile on her face before she turned back to face forward.

"Fairies do have magic, but our magic is largely related to nature. We can control the plants and animals and the water and air but we don't have powers like witches. On top of being able to do the magic that fairies do, you can also transform one thing into something else completely, make objects levitate and conjure up anything, from a simple butterfly to a fireball. Although the fairies have much stronger nature powers than witches. I think the only other magic fairies and witches have in common is the power of influence."

We walked in silence for a couple of minutes while I thought about magic.

"Are there any more like me? Combination of both fairy and witch I mean?", I ask curiously, breaking the silence once more.

"I don't think that's a question I can answer for you Alex.", she says slowly, I was good at reading people and I knew she was choosing her words carefully. So I knew as soon as she spoke that she knew the answer.

So why won't you tell it to me?

"Well we're here.", she says turning to me and smiling, then she parts a curtain of hanging moss before stepping into it and disappearing from my sight.

Why do these people always have hanging moss curtains?!

Following behind her quickly I stepped into one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

The ground was covered with moss leading up to a pool of water. The pool of water was radiating a soft blue light that illuminated the entire area. All around there were big flowers that seemed to glow, they looked like little lamps hanging all around.

"Wow.", I say in almost a whisper.

"Beautiful isn't it?", she asks smiling at everything around her.

"Undeniably.", I say softly touching one of the flowers.

"So Ria told me that she sufficiently trained your witch powers and the last time you met her, your fairy and witch finally combined. So I'm here to train your fairy.", Fayola says.

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