Chapter 32

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"I can't think of any

Better representation of beauty

Than someone who is

Unafraid to be herself."

~Emma Stone


Alex's P.O.V

The silence in the room was deafening.

My heart felt lighter now that I had told him everything. But I was dreading his reaction.

Everything had been silent for a while now and he hadn't said a single word the whole time I told my story, so when he finally did speak his voice echoed in the room.

"So you were the one that helped with the Ogre during the attack.", He asks slowly.

"Yes.", I said hesitantly.

"Why couldn't I see you?", He asks turning to meet my gaze.

His brown eyes were burning with curiousity and looked almost golden in the dark room.

"Well I had to put a power invisibility sheild around me so no one would see me."

"But you did the same thing in the car. Why would you do it in the car? I mean it didn't help you in any way.", He states raising an eyebrow.

"That's a little more complicated.", I say, shifting in my seat.

"Well then explained it to me, we've got all night and you've already told me alot so far. Why not everything?", He says.

I couldn't tell if he was being genuinely nice or challenging me but either way I had already decided I would tell him.

"Okay so, you already know that there is fighting among the Magix and I told you about The Dark Magix. So from the information I got they ordered the attack but when the Ogre got knocked down they figured that some of the Magix was helping the base. The only thing is they don't suspect anyone inside the camp because they couldn't detect my power."

"Because of the shield.", He states.

"Right. So apparently they're patrolling the woods around this area trying to find some sort of power signature."

"But I mean why don't you want them to detect you? You've already mentioned that this Ria and Fayola know about you. So don't they also know?", He asks leaning forward on this desk.

"Cathal has been looking for me for a long time. He wants to control the power that I have. If he gets me and is somehow able to use his influence on me, I shudder to think of the outcomes. Anyhow Ria is- she was friends with my mother and has basically been my protector all my life, even if I only recently got this information.",

"So did the sheild in the car work? Or do they know it's you?", He says slowly.

"I honestly have no clue. I haven't heard anything from Fayola yet.", I say.

"Why did they decide to attack the base now?", He asks.

"As of now I have no information about that. It's too dangerous for Fayola to come close to me right now, so all I know is what I've just told you.", I say.

Everything becomes silent once more and I can see him processing all the information I just gave him.

"Alright. You can go back to your Bunk now.", he says softly, breaking the silence.

I nod slowly getting up and walking to the door. My hand on the door knob I turn around to find him still looking at me.

"Nate, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. But I hope you understand why I couldn't.", I say.

"I understand.", He says so softly I almost missed it.

Nodding at him once more I open the door but before I step out I hear my name being called out.

"Yeah?", I say turning back once more.

"I'm sorry about everything you've had to go through. And I'm sorry if I was insensitive earlier, I do trust you more than I should really but if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here.", He says, and even though it was dark, because of my heightened vision, I could see the small smile on his face.

Stepping out I felt a lot better than I did earlier that day.

"Alexandra!", I suddenly hear from behind me.

Only one person would call me that.

"Benjamin.", I say turning around and stopping where I was so he could catch up with me.

"So I see you took my advice and everything's alright now.", He said smirking, slowing his jog as he reached closer to me.

"How do you know that everything's alright? I mean I haven't told you anything yet. And I'm sure you haven't met Nate yet.", I say tucking my hands into my pockets as we start walking.

"Ah yes but you have a very happy look on your face.", He says giving me a knowing look.

"A happy look?", I ask, raising an eyebrow a small smile playing on my lips.

"You know what I mean!", He says rolling his eyes.

"Now I better go meet Nathan before he rips my head off.", He said just as we reached the steps of Bunker 17.

"Alright.", I say absent-mindedly as he starts walking away.

"Wait-Why would Nate rip your head off?", I ask at his retreating figure confused, his words finally registering in my mind.

He freezes for two seconds before turning to face me confusion written all over his face.

"You don't know?", He asks, his confusion slowly morphing into pure delight.

"Umm.... No? Should I know?", I ask even more confused.

"You don't huh? This is going to be interesting.", He says more to himself.

"Wait! Benjamin! What's going to be interesting?", I yell after his retreating figure once more.

"You'll see soon enough!", He yells back before climbing the stairs to Nate's cabin and disappearing inside.

Shaking my head at him evasive behavior I climb up the stairs and enter the bunker just to find everyone still awake.

The bunkers had been completed a few days ago. All the construction we were doing now was just the finishing touches and the additional protective measures. But today was the first day we were actually sleeping in the new bunks

"Hey guys! Why are you all still up?", I ask stepping into the room, and shutting the door behind me.

"Well the past week none of us have been able to just sit together and talk. So we decided to have game night!", George says, his excitement showing through his voice.

"Just one game, George. Patrolling starts early tomorrow.", Oliver says rolling his eyes but he had a wide smile on his face.

"Let's play!", Noah says and I move to sit on my bunk.

I'm so lucky to have met these guys.


Hey Guys!

Hope you like the new chapter!

So... Now Nate knows everything. What do you thinks gonna happen next?

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Love you guys!!


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