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           "I know what you're doing"

"I don't know what you're talking about" the fact that he'd answered so fast only solidified his suspicions.

"You're trying to piss me off" Max said observing Zander's reaction "All those things you ordered back at the store and now this food. You're doing it to see if I'll get angry at you" at that he looked up "You are my son and I've missed out on so many years of your life. I'll gladly buy you anything that's reasonable. If you want to order all the food in the menu, go ahead. I don't mind"

"You can buy me anything I want but I still won't like you" Zander said with so much conviction that Max felt as if someone had plunged a knife into his heart. How was it possible that his only son hated him with such intensity? As each second passed, he was aware of the time he wasn't spending with him. There was timer in his head that kept moving reminding him that this was yet another minute spent without knowing his boy.

It made him wonder if Zander had been a girl would things be different? Boys protected their mothers. It was how all men were wired. And girls were their father's pride. So if Zander had been a girl would this be any easier? The answer was no. The boy in front of him had lived his whole life without knowing who his father was. It would take time and a lot of effort for the two of them to come to an understanding. He also wouldn't trade him for anything, even for a little girl with black hair and brown eyes. Although, he wouldn't say no to that either. He'd give anything to have more children with Emilia.

They still had chemistry. That kiss back at the store had jolted him back to reality. It was as if he'd been living in the imagination world for so long, always picturing how perfect his family would be if she hadn't left, that the second their lips touched, he woke up. He realized that he did have a family and although they weren't as close as he wanted they were still perfect. They also needed time to adjust to this new life. All of a sudden Zander had a father, he had a son and Emilia was back with her husband. For them to be normal, they all needed a little time. Max was sure that eventually his son would warm up to him. His wife on the other hand.....

Emilia was confusing. One second she was kissing another man and the next she was in his arms, kissing him like he was her world. God, how he'd missed kissing her. In his arms she was everything he'd ever wanted. For a moment there, the nine years she'd been gone had disappeared and it was like she never left. Because that was what they always did. Get carried away and forgetting where they were. As newly weds, someone had to tear them apart, reminding them that they were in public.

Back at the store it had felt like they were newly weds who couldn't keep their hands off each other. How long would it take for them to go back to how they were? Weeks? Months? Or was their relationship over? He refused to believe that they were done with each other. He'd found her first and if for one second he thought that she still loved him, he'd fight for her. It didn't matter if she already had a boyfriend. He was her husband. There was no way he would be the one to take a step back.

"I'm not trying to buy your feelings Zander. I know that we keep clashing because you think I'm out to hurt your mother but believe me, no matter how much we argue I would never hurt Emilia. Never"

"But you're always fighting with her"

"I know. We haven't seen each other in a long time. We've changed and that's why we keep arguing over the smallest things. That doesn't mean I don't love her. Grown ups argue all the time. Don't you know?"

"You really love my mother?"

Max blinked. He'd said that? "I... Uh..... I..."

"Stop stuttering and answer the question Max. Do you love me?" Emilia asked sitting down. Her smug face indicated that she had heard what they were talking about. How long had she been standing there? Max looked from mother to son then back. They were both looking at him waiting for him to answer them. Only problem was that he didn't want to tell her he still loved her.

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