Twenty One

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      "Are you busy? Can I talk to you?"

"About what? I don't think there is anything I would like to talk to you about"

"Zander told me what you did and I want to thank you"

"I didn't do it for you. He's also my brother's son"

Emilia sighed "It's just talking Gwen. In fact let's go out to a public place so you could be sure that I won't do anything to you"

"I'm not scared of you"

"I know. But what would it hurt to have lunch with me? If you feel like leaving then I won't object. I just want to thank you for protecting my son"

"Okay then, but this doesn't mean we're friends or anything. So don't get any ideas"

"I won't even think about it" she said taking her bag. In all honesty, she did have another motive for taking Gwen to lunch. Since she'd taken it upon herself to prevent Lisandra from hitting him, this was her way of thanking her. As for how her sister in law would take it, well, hopefully she would appreciate it some day.

Knowing how Gwen was, Emilia let her pick the restaurant. She would be more comfortable in an environment she chose herself. She was also a creature of habit which was why she chose her favorite restaurant. Since it was midday, there was barely any traffic. It didn't take long for them to arrive there. Emilia chose a window table at the back where they had the view of the all the other tables. She'd asked TC to do her a little favor and he hadn't disappointed her.

"So why did you do it? I thought you agreed with everything Lisandra said" she asked looking over at the menu. Since this wasn't a real lunch, she settled on a salad.

"I'm not stupid. I can think for myself. I don't have to agree with everything Lisa says but whatever problems we have are just between us grown ups. There is no reason to involve an innocent child"

Emilia nodded "I'm surprised that you think that way. I guess you really have grown up"

"Time changes people"

"You're right. Thank you for not having any grudges towards my son"

"He's a beautiful kid" Gwen replied shrugging her shoulders. The waiter chose that moment to bring their food and Emilia scanned the restaurant, stopping when she spotted her target. Picking up her fork, she wondered if she should wait until they were done eating.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why do you trust Lisandra so much? I'm asking that because I know she's the reason for the hatred you have towards me"

"She's my best friend and I think she is more suitable to be my brother's wife than you"

"On what basis? She had nine years. In that time, did you see Max happy? Was there a time you looked at him and felt that he was truly happy?"

"I... Well, Lisandra needs more time. If you hadn't come back, she would have managed to make him fall in love with her"

"We both know that's a lie. He doesn't love her and I am one hundred percent sure she doesn't love him. If they got married they would end up making each other miserable"

"Are you trying to turn me against my friend? Because if you are, I suggest you stop. There is no way I would ever trust you let alone be your friend"

"I've never thought of coming between you two. But I think that you should choose your friends carefully"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that the next time you want to pick a best friend, pick someone loyal"

He's My Husbandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें