Thirty One

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           When the call came, Max was in a meeting. TC didn't bother preparing him or beating around the bush. He told him straight forward what had happened and that he was going after the kidnappers because he couldn't do anything more for Gwen. She was on her way to the hospital with two gunshot wounds. Max found himself between a rock and a hard place. His son was missing while his sister was dying. Who was he supposed to tend to first?

Being the calm person he was, he sat down in his office and thought things through. Someone had taken Zander which meant they weren't going to hurt him. Yet. If he could cooperate with the police and follow their instructions, they would find him.  Taking out his phone he called Darren and instructed him to go to the hospital and wait for news about Gwen. He could only hope that the doctors would do their best to save her. At that moment, finding his son was his priority so he went in search of Emilia.

Knowing her, he thought he'd find her in shock, sitting by herself without saying anything. But when he got at the hotel where she worked he found her with her friend Thea talking to the police. She didn't see him at first so he stood to the side to listen to their conversation.

"Ma'am in kidnapping cases like this one, all we can do is wait for the kidnappers to call for ransom"

"What if they don't call?"

"They will. Unless they have a grudge against your son there is no reason to take him. If they wanted him dead they would have shot him together with his aunt. But because they took him, we know that they will call asking for something. Just be patient" the officer tried to explain but Emilia wasn't listening to any of it.

"Do you have children sir? With all due respect don't tell me to be patient. My son has been kidnapped and I don't know who took him or why. I don't know how scared he is or if he's hurt. How can I be patient?"

"I understand that you're worried but aside from trying to find the kidnappers and waiting for their call, there's nothing more we can do ma'am. Can you tell me if you there is anyone who would want to harm you or your husband?"

"I don't know about Max but someone has been trying to kill me. I thought they gave up because there haven't been any attempts lately"

"Did you report it to the police?"

"No, but I got a bodyguard. He was with my son today" turning to Thea, she asked "Where's TC?"

"He went after the kidnappers" Max replied joining the conversation.

"Alone? How can he do that?"

"Remember what I told you earlier Em?" her friend asked but Emilia didn't bother replying.

"Officer, if I could guess the suspect, I'd say it's Lisandra Martinez. She has always hated me and done everything she could to get rid of me"

"Wait a minute Em. You can't blame this on Lisandra without any evidence"

"Are you kidding me?" she spun around to glare at him

"I'm not defending her. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't pin this on her when we don't even know the truth about who is behind this"

"Fine then. Tell me who you think it was"

"I don't know. It could be one of my enemies or someone we don't know. Let's not jump into conclusions and let the police do their work"

"You know what, I'm going with Thea to look for Zander. If I find out that Lisandra is behind this, I will put a bullet between her eyes. I'm tired of her stupid antics"

"You shouldn't threaten anyone in front of the police ma'am" the officer told her which was the wrong thing to say because she lost it and screamed,

"Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do if you haven't found my son yet. If it really is that witch, I hope you get to her first before I do. Because I will tear her apart for touching my baby"

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