Twenty Seven

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Emilia was walking back home from the beach when she felt a chill run down her spine. They'd spent the whole day in the water and Max was chasing Zander back to the house after teaching him how to surf. With all the things they had done, she wondered how they still had the energy to run around. Although, she couldn't deny that it made her happy to see them that way. It wasn't hard for Zander to call Max dad anymore and he didn't overreact every time he found them arguing. He was comfortable with him, like how father and son should be.

She realized that she was the happiest when they were both happy. Finally they were the family she'd longed for and she wanted it to always be like that. But lately she had been feeling uneasy. As if someone was watching her. Yesterday she had gone to the store to buy some butter and she could have sworn someone was following her. She didn't really see them but she could feel it. And today she also had the same feeling. Was it her paranoia or was something going on?

The person who had been trying to kill her had stopped. That was the reason they hadn't thought it was necessary to bring TC along. He also needed a break. Besides she spent the whole day with Max. She didn't think she would need him but the goosebumps on her skin said otherwise. As much as she loved Max, there was something comforting about having TC around. He made her feel like nothing would touch her. She was also at ease knowing that when it came down to it, he wouldn't just protect her but her whole family "Oh TC, why did I leave you behind?" she asked herself hurrying after Max and Zander.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Max asked her when she caught up to them.

"Nothing. I'm just exhausted" she replied pulling the towel around her harder. If she told him about her suspicions he would start to worry for nothing. So far she didn't have anything to prove that what she thought was right. It's not like she'd caught someone staring or following her. Her unease was based on a feeling and until she had something concrete she decided not to bother him.

"Sorry, we forgot how delicate you are. You can't handle spending a whole day with young men like us" he told her in a teasing voice.

"I'm not falling into your trap so I will admit that I really am a delicate little thing and go make you guys some sandwiches. See? I can take compliments" she flipped her hair and pushed him aside to head to the kitchen.

"I knew there was a reason I married you" Max yelled after her.

Taking out the bread, she thought that this was the first time she'd gone on a vacation with him ever since they got married. Back then he had been so busy that they hadn't gone to their honeymoon. Even so, she couldn't say that she hadn't been happy. Despite his mother's opposition, they had found time to be with each other. Her memories weren't all bad. She could admit that he'd tried his best to make her happy.

Whenever he was free, he would take her out to have dinner or ask her if there was something she wanted to do. There were days they spent the whole weekend in their bedroom watching movies and laughing like idiots. If she were to be honest, Emilia would say that those particular memories were the reason she hadn't fallen out of love with him. They'd kept her going, reminding her not to focus on the bad things alone.

"I've been thinking lately"

"Uh oh" Emilia said looking up at him. They had already put Zander to bed and were enjoying a glass of wine before going to bed themselves.

"Let's have another baby"


"No, hear me out" he placed a finger on her lips to stop what she was about to say "You know how much I've always wanted kids. And Zander is more than what I hoped for. Clever, kind, a little manipulative but the most amazing kid there is out there. I love him just the way he is and I don't think he could have turned out more perfect than he is"

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