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           "He said I was his friend. After everything I've done for him and he dares to  call me a friend?"

"Calm down Lisandra"

"Don't tell me what to do" she snarled kicking one of the chairs in the dining room down "I have every right to be angry. How is it that after all these years I've only succeeded in being his friend?"

"Max is a hard man to control"

"No he's not. That bitch has him wrapped around her little finger. Even after leaving him, Max still pines after her. I thought I'd erased her from his mind but the second she showed up, he forgot about me"

"I told you this wouldn't be easy"

"It would have if she hadn't come back. She ruined everything"


"Just shut up and let me think" she snapped, walking to her bedroom where she banged the door close.

How could Max call her a friend? Even the tears she'd faked hadn't moved him. Over the years she'd done her best to make him forget about his wife. Took care of his every need and even went as far as to let him have other women just to make him happy. She'd been the perfect girlfriend, looking after his mother, being his sister's best friend and keeping tabs on his younger brother. At some point, she'd considered herself the lady of the house since Genevieve couldn't do anything. In short, she'd given him her all. Friend was not the word she would have used to describe their relationship.

But then again that wasn't his fault. If that bitch Emilia hadn't come back, everything would have been okay. Their lives would have continued just as they had when she'd left. Back then it had been so easy to get rid of her. A few whispers in Genevieve's ears was all she'd needed to make the older woman force her to leave. They'd also seen the abortion papers and believed they had truly gotten rid of her. At least that's what they had all thought. Which also turned out to be her biggest mistake. She'd let her guard down and forgotten about her, thinking that she wouldn't dare show her face to them ever again.

Clearly, that had been the wrong thing to do. If she'd gone after Emilia she would have found out that the abortion was fake and that she had indeed given birth to Max's son. Then she would have been able to get rid of them both before they turned into a problem. But it was too late now. She was back and the fact that she hadn't gotten rid of the baby was enough to sway Max's mind. He was enamored by that kid. Even if she made them take a DNA test and changed the results, no one would believe her. They were all right. He looked exactly like his father.

She also hadn't missed the way Max looked at Emilia. You'd think that after that woman had pushed his mother down the stairs he would harbor some resentment towards her but no. He still looked at her just like how he did when he first brought her home. As if she was his world. As if the nine years hadn't happened. What was it about her that he liked so much? What did that Emilia have that was so special? Damn them both to hell. Damn them.

But did that mean she was giving up? Fuck no. She'd lost a battle. Not the war. What she had to think about now was how to get rid of Emilia, for good this time. She could tolerate the kid and pretend to be a good mother to him but for that to happen, Emilia had to go. And what was the best way to get rid of that woman? What was her greatest weakness? The kid of course. Use Zander to get rid of his mother then replace her.

This time she would work harder to make herself indispensable. After she'd taken care of Emilia, she would make sure Max needed her. So much so that he couldn't live without her. Feeling confident about her plan she went to take a shower. Whatever that was about to happen next would be a tragedy but she was going to take advantage of it. After all that was her MO. Taking advantage.

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