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       "What are you looking at?"


"Are you serious? You're waiting for her to come home?"

"She's my wife Nash. Why wouldn't I wait for her?"

"Because she's gone to see another man. Have some dignity my friend" Nash scoffed going to stand beside him. He was right but Max wasn't in the mood to listen to him. Emilia was still his wife even though she was seeing another man. In his head, he was giving her a free pass because he'd been with Lisandra.

"Don't tell me what to do or how I should act around my wife. Besides, I'm not waiting for her alone. She took my son and I want to make sure that he's fine"

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that man. I can't believe you still trust her so much after what she did"

"Just because I gave her my credit card doesn't mean I trust her" it was a lie of course. Giving Em that card was a sign that he still trusted her completely. He could have come up with excuses about how he knew she was going out with Zander but that would have been a lie.

Max didn't care what she did with that card. He just wanted to make her happy. If he gave her everything she wanted, she wouldn't need that Sawyer guy. It was also stupid to think like that but he couldn't help it. Sleeping with her in the same bed destroyed his defenses against her slowly. Last night he had stayed up late watching her sleep and wishing that when she woke up she'd go back to being his Em.

"You're a lost cause, my friend. Just know that when she leaves this time I'll still be here to support you" Nash said shaking his head. Max understood why his friend was disappointed in him. After all, he was the only person who had seen him at his worst. The rest of the world believed that he was fine but when he was with Nash, he didn't have to pretend to be okay. He drunk until he forgot his name and used his shoulder to cry on.

"I know you're disappointed but I won't let her leave this time. At least not with Zander"

"So you're going to use your son to prevent your wife from leaving you again?"

He shook his head "When you put it like that it sounds as if I'm the bad guy. But honestly, if that's what it takes then yes. I don't care how bad it looks, I'll do anything to have my family with me"

"It's official. You've gone completely insane Max"

"Call it whatever you want. I don't care"

"And what about Lisandra? What will you do with her?"

Max sighed. They'd both known Lisandra since she was in high school. They also knew that she'd had a crush on Max even though he never did anything to make her think he liked her too. She had been furious with him when he'd come home with a wife. He remembered arguing with her and telling her to leave if she didn't like Emilia. Turning to her for comfort when everything around him had been falling apart couldn't be helped.

She was there when he needed someone to talk to or when he wanted to vent out his anger. She had become his best friend and confidant when he really needed one. That didn't mean he had fallen in love with her. Maybe it had been wrong to allow her into his bed but he didn't feel anything other than friendship towards her. His heart belonged to only one woman. Even if Emilia did leave again this time, there was no guarantee he'd stop loving her.

"I've already spoken to her and explained everything"

Nash laughed "I bet she understood as always. Right?"

"Yes. She told me that all she wanted was for me to be happy.... Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're dumb. A woman who's done everything to get you into her bed is now willing to let you go just like that?"

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