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"Lisandra? Why do you think it's her?"

"You think about it. When I fell down the stairs, Mel took me to the hospital which means I wasn't here. Gwen wasn't in either. And Lisandra was the one who lied and said it was me who'd pushed Genevieve. Why would she do that if it wasn't to find a scapegoat for her crimes?" Emilia watched Max as he tried to process everything.

Opening his eyes about Lisandra wasn't going to be easy. After all they'd grown up together. As much as she hated to admit it, he had every reason to want to protect her. She was his sister's best friend and even if he didn't have any feelings for her, he had to feel obligated to take care of her. In the years she wasn't around, that woman had played her cards well. Since she couldn't make him love her, she went for the next best thing. Trust.

"I don't know Em. That's pretty hard to believe. Why would she do that? My mother loved her and treated her like her own daughter"

"That's precisely my point. If she could do that to someone who loved her like a daughter, what else is she capable of?"

"You said that you weren't sure and that this was just speculation"

The hands on his chest pushed him back "I know. Let's just forget that I said anything. Zander is waiting"

"No don't be mad at me. I'm just pointing out that you're not sure about anything. Maybe you are mistaken about her"

"I'm not and I'm afraid that by the time you realize how dangerous she is, it will be too late"

"Don't say that darling. I'll keep in mind what you've told me but without evidence I honestly can't believe anything"

"I know. Apparently I'm not the who needs time to trust you again. It appears that you do too" pushing his hands away, she opened the door and got inside.

There was a time she would have been angry that Max didn't trust her or anything she said. Instead of getting in the car, she would have stormed off cursing him to hell and back for not believing her. Not now though. She couldn't get angry every time he didn't agree with her. She knew how his mind worked. It was hard for him to believe Lisandra was that bad but it was harder to not trust her. He had to be beating himself up over that. For someone who loved her so much, it had to be difficult to oppose or even doubt whatever she said. So she decided to make it a little easier for him.

Rolling down the window, she said "If you can't drive hand over the keys. I'll show you how much better I am at driving now"

"Let a woman drive me around? What will people say?" he asked getting in the driver's seat.

"That your wife has a much better sense of direction than you do?"

"Where should we go for our honeymoon this time?" he changed the subject smoothly.

"I don't remember getting married again"

"Fine. Call it a family vacation because Zander will be coming too"

"Then anywhere is fine with me"

"Hawaii it is. I bought a beach house there a few years ago for investment purposes but looks like it will be useful after all"

"Just the three of us?"

"Yes. I hired people to look after it but they don't sleep there. It has a swimming pool, Jacuzzi and a private beach"

"If Zander says yes then I have no problem"

"Can I say something?"

"What is it?"

"I know you've been raising Zander all these years alone and have gotten used to putting his needs ahead of yours but I'm here now. It doesn't have to always be whether he agrees or not. He's a child. You don't have to please him all the time"

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