Thirty Two

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The waiting was suffocating. As each hour passed without news of Zander, Emilia felt her heart slowly withering away. It was two days after he was kidnapped and there was nothing. The kidnappers hadn't called to ask for anything or make threats. The police weren't saying anything but she knew that was bad news. If the people who took him didn't want money then it could only mean they were using him for something else. For all they knew he could be already be dead.

The more she thought about it, the more she lost her mind. If they wanted to hurt someone they should have taken her. She didn't mind what happened to her as long as her baby was safe. The house was in chaos with everyone trying to comfort the other. Mel tried to make them eat while Max hadn't slept a wink. Preston hadn't left his side either. Darren came back from the hospital saying that Gwen was out of danger but still unconscious. The police had also set themselves up in their house waiting for a call that never came. No matter how much everyone told her to have faith, she couldn't pretend to be strong any longer.

She spent all day listening to the voicemail Zander had left before he was taken..... I love you mom. Bye. As if he knew they wouldn't see each other again. Where was he? Had he eaten? Mel spoiled him with anything he wanted even though she was against it. He'd gotten used to having five meals a day. Were those people feeding him well or starving him? Was he scared?

"Oh baby, where are you?" she asked looking at a photo of him on her phone.

"Honey, eat something. If you get sick how will Zander feel when he sees you in the hospital?" Max who had just entered the room said, sitting beside her on the bed. She knew he was wary of her because he tended to say the wrong thing that made her angry then they would end up arguing and having the police put them in different rooms. But even so, he didn't give up. He kept coming back to comfort her and make sure she had eaten.

Initially she had been really pissed at him for defending Lisandra but later she understood that he'd been right. After Thea reminded her of that Petrov guy, she realized that she had indeed been pointing her finger at the wrong person. Hadn't that man said he wouldn't hurt her baby? Because of her conflict with Lisandra, she'd assumed that witch was behind all this. They truly hated each other but surely she wouldn't go that far. Not that Emilia put it past her. She knew how evil that woman was. Given the right motivation, she could do anything.

"I just want my baby back. Bring him back Max. Please find my baby" she pleaded crying. He got in beside her and held her as she cried her eyes out, while murmuring that everything was going to be fine. They both knew that in this case, no news didn't necessarily mean it was good news "Find him. You have to find him"

"I'm doing all I can. Please just hold on a little longer. I will bring our son back safe and sound"

"What if......"

"Ssshh. Don't think like that. You need to be positive baby. Think about what you will do when you see him. I already borrowed a pair of handcuffs from one the police downstairs. When he comes back I'll handcuff myself to him. That way we will never be separated again. How about you? I think we should take turns"

"No. He won't let me go the bathroom with him" she said sniffing. Ever since Zander had turned five, he wouldn't let her go anywhere near him naked. He had sat her down and said that he was a big boy who could do things on his own. He didn't need his mother to help him bathe. Now that she remembered that day, she smiled at how serious he'd been. In her opinion her son had grown up too fast but she was so proud of him. So, so proud.

She wanted to see him grow into a young man who chased after girls or vice versa. She had planned on buying him a whole drawer of condoms when he was fifteen just to embarrass him. She also wanted to be one of those cool mothers who had no problems with their son's girlfriends because she knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of a mother in law who didn't like you. There were so many things they still had to do. He had to come back safe and sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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