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"You look beautiful ma'am"

"Thank you TC. Is everyone here already?"

"Yes ma'am. They are all waiting for you"

"Oh" Emilia sighed. She really didn't like these kinds of parties. Especially when she was the guest of honor. It was unnerving to be the center of attention. She'd spent hours getting ready but still felt as if she'd missed something.

Not every guest down there was her friend. Some showed up out of curiosity, Just to see her and maybe pinpoint her flaws. It wasn't a secret that she'd left Max. During those nine years they were apart, once in a while she'd come across people discussing her and saying how despicable she was for leaving such a good man. Her advantage was that they didn't know her so she pretended to not know anything. But after tonight, she wouldn't be able to remain invincible anymore. Even the press had been invited to cover the party. Her face would be plastered all over the tabloids and newspapers tomorrow morning.

"No pressure at all" she murmured to herself.

"Don't worry ma'am. If there's anyone you don't feel like talking to, Just nod once and I'll be there to get rid of them"

"That makes me feel so much better. Thank you"

"It's my job ma'am"

"Stop calling me ma'am. Emilia or Mrs. Carter is fine. And I need you to keep an eye on Lisandra. Knowing her, she'll use this chance to do something to humiliate me or worse"

"I know. And I've come prepared ma'am... Mrs. Carter. I will keep my distance and monitor her movements. She won't be able to do anything"

"Good. Let's go. I can't be late to my own party" he held out his hand but when Emilia reached out to take it, Max materialized behind TC and said

"Let me"

She rolled her eyes at the gesture "Shouldn't you be downstairs welcoming guests?"

"Today? No. This is your party and I'm going to be beside you all night long. Shall we?"

"Okay. If you insist"

"Oh I do" he replied grinning. Narrowing her eyes at him, she took his hand, wondering what he was planning. For someone who had been getting a cold shoulder for the past two weeks, he looked incredibly happy. His excitement was baffling and she would have grilled him but the second people saw them coming down, they gathered at the foot of the stairs. The crowd oohed and aahed, murmuring amongst themselves saying what a beautiful couple they were.

"Have I mentioned how stunning you look tonight?"


"Well, my dear wife, you are the most beautiful woman tonight. You take my breath away every time I look at you but today you're just perfect. Exquisite"

"You're so sweet dear husband. What do you want?"

"Nothing. I threw this party for you so enjoy yourself"

"You have this weird expression on your face that tells me the second I start enjoying myself, you'll do something stupid. So forgive me if I don't trust you"

"Relax Em. I promise that I won't do anything bad"

"I'm a lot of things Max. Stupid is not one of them... Hello Mrs. Richardson. Long time no see, how are you?" she asked pasting a smile on her face while stretching her hand to greet the older woman.

She was Genevieve's best friend and no doubt there to criticize her. Her mother in law had never tried to hide the fact that she despised her. She'd announced it to her circle of friends who had done their best to look down on her every time they came over. Back then, she had chosen to keep her mouth shut because she didn't want any problems. Now? She would take pleasure in kicking them out if they so much as looked at her the wrong way. And judging from their expressions, they also knew that.

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