Twenty Nine

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            "Hey, do you have time for lunch? We need to talk"

"I've been on vacation and today is my first day at work. I don't think I'll be able to breathe let alone have lunch"

"It's important Em"

"How about tomorrow then?"

"Dammit, just come see me. I managed to free up my lunch today and I can't say it over the phone" Thea was grumpy sometimes but never snappy. The fact that she sounded so curt made Emilia sit up.

"What's wrong Thea?"

"Lunch. I'll come to you at the hotel" she answered then hang up. That call made her on edge. Instead of concentrating on her work, she spent the whole morning wondering why Thea wanted to have lunch urgently until one of the employees came to get her. Apparently, there was guest complaining about them and he wanted to see the manager. Since he'd booked one of the VIP suites, Emilia couldn't ignore him.

"What happened?" she asked the woman who was part of the executive housekeeping team as they got in the elevator going upstairs.

"The guest claims to be missing an expensive watch. He says that he had taken it off yesterday before going to bed. This morning he went to the gym but when he came back, he couldn't find it"

"Did you offer to help him look for it? Maybe he dropped it somewhere"

"Yes ma'am. But he said that he wasn't going to risk anyone touching his things again"

"We haven't had a theft complaint so far. What changed? Do we have any new staff?"

"No, ma'am"

She sighed "I hate dealing with these types of things. They are a complete waste of my time so make sure this never happens again or someone will pay. Let's go find this man his expensive watch. If it's really missing then we have to launch an investigation"

The second they stepped out of the elevator, Emilia wanted to go back in and run away. It was clear the guest was angry. His voice could be heard on the entire floor. Thank God this was a VIP area so the rooms were far apart. The man in question was in a navy blue striped suit. It was tailored to fit his body perfectly. If he wasn't biting off the ear of one of her employees, she would have thought he was attractive. The fact that he raised his hand to slap the maid made Emilia dislike him immediately. Rushing forward, she caught his hand midair.

"Excuse me, what the hell do you think you're doing?" she asked stepping between him and the maid.

"Teaching her some manners. She dared to talk back to me"

"Did she insult you or be rude in any way?"

The man stopped and looked at her "Who are you to question me?"

"I am the manager of this hotel. Now I understand that you've lost a watch and it's expensive but you have no right to raise your hand against my employees or anyone for that matter. It wasn't their fault that it went missing" it amazed her that some people still lived in the stone age.

"Are you sure about that?"

"I trust them. That's why they have a job here in the first place. I'm sure that this a misunderstanding that can be resolved without using violence"

"I hope so. Because if it's not, I will report this matter to the police and make sure this country knows what an unreliable hotel this is"

She hadn't noticed his accent until he said that. What was he? Russian or Ukrainian? Either way his threats didn't scare her one bit. It just made him look like a spoiled brat who was used to getting anything he wanted "I see no use for such theatrics. If we can't find your watch, we will just have to replace it"

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