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"If you'll excuse us, we have a lot to talk about. Enjoy the party and feel free to leave anytime" Max said pulling Emilia with him. She stumbled because of her heels. Grinning, he picked her up bridal style. Preston who didn't miss a chance yelled,

"Talking my ass" to which the other guests laughed. Deciding to ignore him, Max hurried up the stairs. Nothing mattered today because he'd just gotten his wife back. He hadn't been lying when he'd said the nine years they had been apart had been pure torture. He had been just a shell of a person. Knowing what it was like to be without her, he was going to do everything in his power to make sure she would never leave him again.

"Would you mind if I asked TC to get rid of Preston?"

"Right now? Absolutely not. You can do whatever you want with him" he told her kicking their bedroom door open with his leg. He repeated the same movement once they were inside and Emilia barely had time to lock it before he was rushing towards the bed.

"Some loyal friend you are. You can put me down now"

"I'm sorry honey, I can't do that. Today you're all mine" Placing her on the bed, he got on top of her "You are beautiful just the way you are. Don't ever change"

"Are we going to talk all night?"

"Where should I start then? I want this moment to last forever. I'm afraid that if I move I'll wake up to find that it was only a dream"

"Start by getting this dress off. It's kind of heavy and uncomfortable"

"Oh right, what should I do?"

"Pull the strings of the corset off first. The rest will be easier"

He did as she instructed. When she stood up to get the dress off, it fell to the floor, leaving her in a white lacy underwear. Max took a moment to just look at her. In the dress she looked stunning. But like that? She looked almost ethereal. Stepping out of her dress, she kicked it to the side, put her hands on her hips and asked "Like what you see?"

"Like doesn't even begin to describe it" he told her walking her backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed then pushed her down "I look at you and I wonder how I survived all these years without you"

"It wasn't easy for me either. I tried dating but every time someone touched me I felt uncomfortable. Like I was doing something wrong" she said caressing his face. It made him happy to know that she hadn't been with anyone else, but it was also sad. How lonely had she been?

"I'm sorry" it was all he could say and do. Apologize to her everyday for the rest of his life.

"Let's just forget the past. Today marks a new beginning for us. We have to be better this time Max. If not for us then for Zander"

"I promise to give it my all. I love you Emilia Rose Carter and I will continue loving you until my last breath" it was a promise that was sealed with a kiss. As she wound her hands around his neck, his traced every dip and curve. In the past she had curves but it seemed like they were more pronounced now. Whatever she'd been doing, she hadn't neglected herself.

Running his hands upwards, he stopped just below her breasts and rubbed his thumb on the soft flesh in a teasing manner. The fact that he was still fully dressed made him think about the next step. It would take too long to get undressed and he had to have her. Taste her. Refresh his memory on all things Emilia. Moving from her mouth, he kissed her cheek, jaw then throat, where he made sure to leave evidence of their lovemaking. By chance he happened to see that her bra had a front closure.

Max smiled to himself. With the way he was battling his control, he couldn't promise to be patient with something as small as a clasp. Flicking it open, he let the material part before latching onto one of the nipples while his hand pinched and pulled at the other one until they were both little nubs. The little sounds she made spurred him on and he moved from her chest downwards. Licking and nipping on her stomach.

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