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Emilia watched as Max pulled Lisandra to the study and locked them inside, wondering if he had really taken her advice about going back to that witch. She'd told him that they were done but for him to actually do as she said? Was he serious? That jerk was never going to learn. It didn't matter whether she was around or not, he was always going to go back to his mistress.

From the first day Emilia had met her, she'd known what kind of woman Lisandra was. Sly, opportunist, social climber. Those words sounded like insults but they were exactly what anyone who really knew Lisandra like she did would use to describe her. She was the kind of person who would go to any lengths to get what she wanted. Which arose the question no one in the Carter family never thought of asking. What exactly did she want from them?

It was clear she didn't love Max or she wouldn't be having an affair with Gwen's fiancé. So if she wasn't fighting to stay in that family for love, then what was it? Why had she tolerated them for so long? Any other woman would have left especially after Emilia came back with a son. Why was Lisandra still sniffing around them? There had to be something she really wanted. And whatever it was, Emilia was going to found out then do everything in her power to prevent that witch from succeeding.

But first she had to go meet Thea then pick up Zander from school later. It was his first day in a new school and she wondered how he'd been. Aside from wanting to make sure he was fine, she also wanted to be the one to bring him back personally. She couldn't trust anyone when it came to her son's safety. She'd just come back to that house and aside from Mel, she didn't know whose side the other employees were on. For all she knew, some of them could have been hired by that witch. Either way, she wasn't going to take the risk.



Thea sighed "You can't keep things from me Emilia. I know something happened between you and your husband. Your face says it all"

"But I don't want to talk about it" she whined then burst out laughing "Why is it that when I'm with you I turn back into a fifteen year old?"

"Stop changing the subject and tell me what happened. I want to hear everything"

"Okay then. Because of Sawyer, I slept with him then after we had a huge fight I broke up with him. The end"

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. Honest to God that is all that happened"

"I have been gone for a week Em. One week" she said pointing a finger at her.

"And I've been in that house for less than a week. How could I give in so easily Thea?"

"It's not your fault. That man is irresistibly hot"

"And stupid. Don't forget stupid. I told him to go back to his mistress. Do you know what he did?"

"Slapped you?"

"He went back to her. That imbecile should have just slapped me instead. It wouldn't..." she stopped, realizing what she was about to say.

"Hurt so much?"

"Who said anything about hurting?"

"Because you have the same face you had when you found out he was sleeping with her for the first time"

"I hate it Thea. I hate feeling this way"

"It's understandable darling. You still love him and it hurts seeing him with someone else"

"No, I hate feeling this way especially when I know it will not amount to anything. We're not destined to be together otherwise there wouldn't be so many obstacles between us"

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