Twenty Two

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           Max came home and watched as Emilia welcomed him, taking his coat, suitcase and leading him to the living room where she told him to sit down and rest. She'd been acting weird for the past few days making him wonder what was wrong. He wasn't complaining about the way she was treating him. He rather liked it that she was so loving towards him. But he knew her and it didn't matter how long they had been apart, some things hadn't changed. If she was doing everything to please him then it meant she wanted something impossible or she'd done something wrong.

"Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?"

"Water please. Thank you" he replied frowning. Something was definitely up.

"Here. I put ice in it. Just how you like it. Would like anything else?"

"Yes. I would like you to sit down and tell me what's going on"


"You heard me Em. Sit down and start talking. Your behavior is starting to worry me"

"What behavior?" before he could answer she added "I almost forgot. What would you like for dinner? I just finished baking your favorite cookies but I had to double them because of Zander. I heard it from other women how hard it is to raise a teenage son but I was hoping I'd have a few more years before he starts acting like the other boys. He's not even ten but eats like an elephant. As if that's not enough, he forbade me from kissing him in front of his friends at school saying that he was too old for that. Can you believe it? That little rascal. Who knows what will happen two years from now? He might ask him not to call him....."

"Stop!" Max said grabbing her hand and pulling her onto his lap. "Tell me what's going on Em. And don't say nothing because you've been acting really strange"

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about honey. I'll go check on the chicken. I think it's done" she tried to stand up but he placed the glass he was holding on the table and held on to her with both arms.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's bothering you. Do you need something but don't know how to ask for it?"


"Then what? I'm starting to get worried. Please tell me what's going on. I promise to listen and understand you"

"Don't make promises you can't keep" she said in a quiet voice.

"I'll keep this one. I swear on our son that whatever your wish is I'll fulfill it. Tell me"

"Are you sure? Because it's not easy or cheap"

He almost took his promise back. But watching her run around trying to please him because she wanted something was driving him insane. This was not the kind of relationship he wanted to have with her. She was his wife. She should be able to ask for anything without thinking that she had to pay for it "Yes. I'm sure"

"I need you to turn down tomorrow's contract"

He blinked "What?"

"Don't sign it. That's all I'm asking for"

"Tomorrow's contract? What.... How.... I don't understand anything. How do you know about it?"

"It doesn't matter. Just don't partner up with that company"

Pushing her off his lap, he stood up asking "Do you know what you're asking for?"

"You just promised Max"

"Do you have any idea what you are asking for?" he shouted then closed his eyes and tried breathing exercises.


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