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       "Emilia, you look so beautiful today. And your skin is glowing. What is the secret?"

Emilia stopped, did a once over all the way from top to bottom then did it again just to make sure she wasn't mistaken "Come again? I seem to have developed a case of selective dumbness"

"Don't be like that pretty face. We all know that your husband is throwing this party just to show you off to his friends. Since I suggested the idea, I can't say that it's bad but that man is cruel. Bragging about his beautiful wife to single people like us is downright evil"

"Oh, I thought he was doing it to welcome me back?"

"That reason takes up one percent at most. The rest is because he's an arrogant SOB who enjoys torturing us"

Okay, something was definitely wrong "What has gotten into you Preston? Why are you suddenly kissing my ass but most importantly why are you here so early in the morning?"

"First of all, I'm paying tribute to the most gorgeous woman who's ever lived. Second, I'm here to see Max hoping he'll help me with a little problem I have"

"I knew...."

"But come to think of it now, you can help me too. I don't have to bother seeing your husband when I can spend my time talking to a stunning woman"

"I'm flattered. I never thought you would ever be so nice to me" Emilia said sarcastically. She saw his face twitch, as if he was dying to retort and tell her something mean, but then he took a deep breath and pasted a fake smile on his face. That alone told Emilia exactly what he wanted from her. And it didn't matter how much he acted nice or buttered her up, he wasn't going to get shit from her.

"Oh don't mention it lovely. Beautiful women deserve praises"

"Thank you again Preston. Now cut the crap and tell me what you want before I die from your fake compliments. They are literally sucking the air from the room"

"I just need one tiny favor from your highness. Could you please give me your friend's contacts? The one you came with the other day?"

"Who Thea? You were being nice to me just so you could have Thea's number?"

"Not really. I've realized how great you really are so I've decided to get along with you"

"Bullshit! And just so you know, there is no way in hell I would ever encourage my friend to be with you. You're a narcissistic asshole who only uses women and discards them like used toilet paper. So quit trying to kiss my sexy ass because you ain't getting shit"

"Damn it Emilia, can you act like a human being for once? Isn't it tiring being a she devil day in day out?"

"And there he is"

"You can't even pretend to be nice. I honestly don't know what Max sees in you. In fact I'm going to tell him that I was wrong about throwing you a party. You don't deserve it"

"Get a life you idiot" she told him walking away. Emilia shook her head laughing. She should have known Preston was buttering her up because he wanted something. There was no way he would voluntarily be nice to her. He was the most infuriating person she'd ever met in her entire life. But he was also the only person who'd gone looking for her and almost found her.

She had been coming out of a hospital room when she saw him asking around for her. He had a picture of her. Thank God his back was to her and she had arrived just in time to signal the nurse, telling her to keep quiet. She'd wondered for a while why he was the only who had decided to look for her. At first she thought that it was because he thought that since she'd left Max, then he would have a chance. But later she realized that he was doing it for his friend.

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